English Boy Names

Here is a list of English boy names along with their meanings.
[table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]Name,Meaning
Abacas , Device for doing calculations – Clever
Abacus , Device for doing calculations – Clever
Abakus , Device for doing calculations – Clever
Abba , Device for doing calculations – Clever
Abelard , Resolute – Keeper of the abbey larder
Abelardo , Resolute – Keeper of the abbey larder
Ackerley , Meadow of oaks
Ackley , Meadow of oaks
Acton , Town with many oaks
Addisen , Adam’s son
Adison , Adam’s son
Aidan , Help
Ailen , Made of oak
Aland , Bright as the sun
Alard , Noble – Brave
Alaric , Noble ruler
Alcot , Old cottage
Alcott , Old cottage
Aldan , Antique – Wise protector – Old friend
Alden , Antique – Wise protector – Old friend
Alder , Birch tree – Revered one
Aldon , Antique – Wise protector – Old friend
Aldred , Old king
Aldren , Old king
Aldrich , Old king
Aldridge , Old king
Aldrych , Old king
Aldus , Birch tree – Revered one
Aldwin , Antique – Wise protector – Old friend
Alf , Wise counsel
Alfie , Wise counsel
Alfred , Wise counsel
Alfredo , Wise counsel
Alfric , Wise counsel
Alfrid , Wise counsel
Allard , Noble – Brave
Allie , Wise counsel
Alvin , Elf wine – Noble friend
Alwyn , Elf wine – Noble friend
Amherst , Place name
Amsden , From the Ambroses valley
Andrea , Manly – Valiant – Courageous
Ansley , From the pastureland of the noble
Arden , Eagle valley
Ardis , Eagle valley
Ardon , Eagle valley
Arthur , Noble
Atherol , Dweller at the spring farm
Averell , Boar-warrior
Averil , Boar-warrior
Averill , Boar-warrior
Backstere , Baker
Baerhloew , Ruler – Lives on the bare hill
Bailee , Bailiff – Fortification – Able
Bailey , Bailiff – Fortification – Able
Baily , Bailiff – Fortification – Able
Bainbridge , Lives near the bridge over the white water
Bainbrydge , Lives near the bridge over the white water
Baird , Minstrel – A singer-poet
Baker , Baker
Balder , Bold army
Baldhere , Bold army
Ballard , A dancing song
Banaing , Son of the slayer
Banbrigge , Lives near the bridge over the white water
Bancroft , From the bean field
Banner , Flag – Ensign bearer
Banning , Son of the slayer
Barclay , Birch meadow
Bard , Minstrel – A singer-poet
Bardalph , Ax wolf
Bardan , Lives near the boar’s den
Bardaric , Ax ruler
Bardarik , Ax ruler
Bardawulf , Ax wolf
Barden , Lives near the boar’s den
Bardene , From the boar valley
Bardo , Furrow – Hill
Bardolf , Ax wolf
Bardolph , Ax wolf
Bardon , Minstrel – A singer-poet
Bardrick , Ax ruler
Bardulf , Ax wolf
Barhloew , Lives on the bare hill
Barklay , Birch meadow
Barkley , Birch meadow
Barks , Birch meadow
Barksdale , Birch meadow
Barlow , Lives on the bare hill
Barnaby , Son of comfort
Barnard , Strong as a bear
Barnet , Noble man
Barnett , Noble man
Barney , Son of comfort
Barnum , From the nobleman’s home
Baron , Noble man – A title of nobility used as a given name
Barr , Noble man
Barre , Gateway
Barret , Noble man
Barrett , Noble man
Barric , Grain farm
Barrick , Grain farm
Barrie , Fair-haired – Blonde
Barrington , Fair-haired – Blonde
Barron , Noble man – A title of nobility used as a given name
Barry , Fair-haired – Blonde
Barse , Fresh-water perch
Bart , From the barley farm
Bartel , Furrow – Hill
Barth , Son of the earth
Barthram , Glorious raven
Bartleah , From Bart’s meadow
Bartleigh , From Bart’s meadow
Bartley , From the birch meadow
Barton , From the barley farm
Bartram , Glorious raven
Barwolf , Ax wolf
Basil , Royal
Bates , Furrow – Hill
Baul , Snail
Bavol , Wind
Bax , Baker
Baxley , Baker
Baxter , Baker
Bay , Auburn-haired
Bayard , Auburn-haired
Bayhard , Reddish brown hair
Baylen , Auburn-haired
Bayley , Bailiff – Fortification – Able
Baylor , Bailiff – Fortification – Able
Beacher , Dweller by the beech tree
Beadutun , From the warrior’s estate
Beal , Handsome
Beale , Handsome
Beall , Handsome
Beaman , Beekeeper
Beamer , Trumpeter
Beardsley , Beard – Wood
Beaton , From the warrior’s estate
Beceere , Lives by the beech tree
Beck , From the brook
Bede , Prayer
Beecher , Dweller by the beech tree
Beeman , Beekeeper
Bek , From the brook
Beldan , Lives in the beautiful glen
Beldane , Lives in the beautiful glen
Belden , Beautiful pasture – Child of the unspoiled glen
Beldene , Lives in the beautiful glen
Beldon , Beautiful pasture – Child of the unspoiled glen
Bemeere , Trumpeter
Bemelle , Strong as a bear
Ben , Blessed
Benecroft , From the bean field
Benedict , Blessed
Benji , Blessed
Benjy , Blessed
Benn , Blessed
Bennet , Blessed
Bennett , Blessed
Bennie , Blessed
Benny , Blessed
Benon , Bright – Famous
Bensen , Ben’s son – Excellent son
Benson , Ben’s son – Excellent son
Bentleah , From the bent grass meadow
Bentleigh , From the bent grass meadow
Bentley , From the moors
Benton , Settlement in a grassy place.
Beomann , Beekeeper
Beore , Birch tree
Beorht , Glorious
Beorhthram , Bright raven
Beorhthramm , Glorious raven
Beorhttun , From the fortified town
Beornet , Leader
Beornham , From the nobleman’s home
Bercleah , Lives at the birch tree meadow
Beresford , From the barley ford
Beretun , From the barley farm
Berford , From the barley ford
Bergen , Free citizen
Bergess , Free citizen
Beric , Grain farm
Berk , From the birch meadow
Berke , From the birch meadow
Berkeley , From the birch meadow
Berkley , From the birch meadow
Bernard , Strong as a bear
Berne , Strong as a bear
Bersh , One year
Bert , Bright – Famous
Bertie , Bright – Famous
Bertin , Bright – Famous
Berton , Fortress
Bertram , Bright raven
Berty , Bright – Famous
Berwick , From the barley grange
Berwyk , From the barley grange
Beval , Like the wind
Beverley , From the beaver meadow
Beverly , From the beaver meadow
Bick , From the hewer’s ford
Bickford , From the hewer’s ford
Biecaford , From the hewer’s ford
Biford , Lives at the river crossing
Bill , Resolute protector
Billie , Resolute protector
Billy , Resolute protector
Bink , Lives at the bank
Birch , White – The birch tree
Birche , Birch
Bird , Bird
Birde , Bird
Birdhil , From the bird hill
Birdhill , From the bird hill
Birk , Birch tree
Birkett , Lives at the birch headland
Birkey , From the birch tree island
Birkhead , Lives at the birch headland
Birkhed , Lives at the birch headland
Birley , From the cattle shed on the meadow
Birney , Lives on the brook island
Biron , Surname
Birtel , From the bird hill
Birtle , From the bird hill
Bishop , A bishop
Bitanig , From the Preserving land
Blachard , Fair-haired – Pallid
Black , Dark
Blade , Glory
Bladen , Glory
Blaec , Black
Blaecleah , From the dark meadow
Blaed , Wealthy glory – Note: This Database is Copyright by NetStep Enterprise 2004.
Blaeey , Blond
Blagdan , From the dark valley
Blagden , From the dark valley
Blagdon , From the dark valley
Blain , Source of a river
Blaine , Source of a river
Blaise , Stutters
Blake , Fair-haired – Pallid
Blakeley , Fair-haired – Pallid
Blakely , From the dark meadow
Blakemore , From the dark moor
Blakey , Blond
Blanco , Fair-haired – Pallid
Blandford , Gray haired
Blane , Source of a river
Blaney , Source of a river
Blanford , Gray haired
Blayne , Twin
Blaze , Stutters
Bliss , Happy
Blyth , Merry
Blythe , Happy
Bob , Bright – Famous
Bobbie , Bright – Famous
Bobby , Bright – Famous
Boc , Male deer
Bocleah , Lives at the buck meadow
Bocley , Lives at the buck meadow
Boda , Herald
Bolton , Of the manor house farm
Bond , Farmer
Bondig , Free
Booker , Beech tree
Boone , Sweet – Good
Booth , Lives in a hut
Boothe , Lives in a hut
Bordan , Near the boar’s den
Borden , Near the boar’s den
Bort , Fortified
Bosworth , Lives at the cattle enclosure
Botewolf , Herald wolf
Bothe , Lives in a hut
Botolf , Herald wolf
Botwolf , Herald wolf
Bourke , Fortified hill
Bourn , From the brook
Bourne , From the brook
Bowman , The archer
Boyce , Lives near the wood
Bple , Cup bearer
Brad , From the broad meadow
Bradan , From the broad meadow
Bradbourne , From the brook
Bradburn , From the brook
Bradd , Broad – Wide
Braddock , Broad-spreading oak
Braddon , From the broad meadow
Braden , From the broad meadow
Bradene , From the broad meadow
Bradford , Broad crossing
Bradig , From tbe broad island
Bradleah , From tbe broad meadow
Bradlee , From the broad meadow
Bradley , From the broad meadow
Bradly , From the broad meadow
Bradney , From the broad meadow
Bradon , From the broad meadow
Bradshaw , Broad clearing in the wood
Bradwell , From the broad spring
Brady , From the broad meadow
Bradyn , From the broad meadow
Braeden , From the broad meadow
Braedon , From the broad meadow
Braemwiella , From the bramble bush spring
Braid , From the broad meadow
Brainard , Bold raven
Brainerd , Bold raven
Braleah , From the hillslope meadow
Bram , Father of many
Bramwell , Place name
Bran , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brand , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brandan , Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill.
Branddun , From the beacon hill
Branden , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brandin , Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill.
Brandon , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brandyn , Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill.
Branford , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Branhard , Bold raven
Brant , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brantley , Proud
Branton , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brantson , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Branwell , Place name
Braw)eigh , From the hillslope meadow
Brawley , From the hillslope meadow
Braxton , Badger
Bray , To cry out – Singing
Brayden , From the broad meadow
Braydon , From the broad meadow
Brayton , Brave – Broad
Brendan , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brenden , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brendt , Hilltop
Brennan , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brennen , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brent , Fiery hill – Sword-blade
Brentan , Fiery hill – Steep hill
Brenten , Hilltop
Brentley , Hilltop
Brently , Hilltop
Brenton , Hilltop
Bret , A native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Brett , A native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Bretton , A native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Brew , Brewer
Brewster , Brewer
Brewstere , Brewer
Brian , Strong
Brice , Son of a nobleman
Brick , Bridge
Brickman , Bridge
Bridger , Lives at tbe bridge
Brigbam , Lives by the bridge
Briggebam , Lives by the bridge
Briggere , Lives at tbe bridge
Brigham , Lives near a bridge
Brik , Bridge
Brinley , Tawny
Brinton , From Brinton
Brishen , Born during a rain
Brittain , Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England)
Brittan , Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England)
Britton , Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England)
Broc , Badger
Brock , Badger
Brockley , From the badger meadow
Brocleah , From tbe badger meadow
Brocleigh , From the badger meadow
Brocly , From the badger meadow
Brocton , Badger
Brod , Son of Roderick – From the broad ridge
Broderick , Son of Roderick – From the broad ridge
Broderik , Son of Roderick – From the broad ridge
Brodrig , Son of Roderick – From the broad ridge
Brodrik , Son of Roderick – From the broad ridge
Brok , Badger
Bromleah , From the broom covered meadow
Bromleigh , From the broom covered meadow
Bromley , Brush-covered meadow
Bromly , From the broom covered meadow
Bromwell , Brush-covered meadow
Bromwood , Brush-covered meadow
Bronson , Son of Brown – Son of the dark-skinned one
Bronwen , Son of Brown – Son of the dark-skinned one
Bronwyn , Son of Brown – Son of the dark-skinned one
Brook , Lives by the stream
Brooke , Lives by the stream
Brooks , Son of Brooke
Brookson , Son of Brooke
Brooksone , Son of Brooke
Brougher , Lives at the fortress
Broughton , From the fortified town
Broun , Colour
Brown , Colour – Dark skinned
Bruce , Woodlands
Bruin , Colour
Bruins , Colour
Brun , Dark skinned
Bruno , Colour
Bryan , Strong
Bryant , Strong
Brydger , Lives at tbe bridge
Bryggere , Lives at tbe bridge
Bryon , Strong
Buck , Male deer – Meadow of deer
Buckley , Male deer – Meadow of deer
Buckminster , Meadow of deer
Buckner , Meadow of deer
Bucky , Meadow of deer
Bud , Herald – To puff up – Friend
Budd , Herald – To puff up – Friend
Buddie , Herald – To puff up – Friend
Buddy , Herald – To puff up – Friend
Bundy , Free
Burbank , Lives on the castle’s hill
Burch , Birch
Burchard , Strong as a castle
Burdett , Surname
Burdette , Surname
Burdon , Lives at the castle
Bureig , Lives on the brook island
Burford , Lives at the castle ford
Burg , Free citizen
Burgeis , Lives in town
Burgess , Free citizen
Burghard , Strong as a castle
Burghere , Lives at the fortress
Burgtun , From the fortified town
Burhbank , Lives on the castle’s hill
Burhdon , Lives at the castle
Burhford , Lives at the castle ford
Burhleag , Lives at the castle’s meadow
Burhtun , From the fortified town
Burke , Fortified hill
Burl , Knotted wood
Burle , Knotted wood
Burleigh , Knotted wood
Burley , Knotted wood
Burly , Lives at the castle’s meadow
Burn , From the brook
Burnard , Strong as a bear
Burne , From the brook
Burneig , Lives on the brook island
Burnell , Strong as a bear
Burnette , Bear – Brown
Burney , Lives on the brook island
Burns , From the brook
Burrell , Fortified
Bursone , Son of Byrne
Burt , Fortress
Burton , Fortress
Byford , Lives at the river crossing
Byme , Bear – Brown
Byram , From the cattle yard
Byrd , Bird
Byreleah , From the cattle shed on the meadow
Byrne , From the brook
Byrnes , Son of Byrne
Byron , Bear
Byrtel , From the bird hill
Cabe , Ropemaker
Cable , Ropemaker
Cadabyr , From the warrior’s settlement
Cadby , From the warrior’s settlement
Cadda , Warring
Caddaham , From the soldier’s land
Caddaric , Battle leader
Caddarik , Battle leader
Caddawyc , From the warrior’s town
Cadmus , Cold spring
Cadwell , Cold spring
Caersewiella , Lives at the watercress spring
Caindale , From the clear river valley
Caine , Place name
Cal , River of stones – Stream
Calbert , Cowherd – Cowboy
Calbex , Shepherd
Calder , River of stones – Stream
Caldre , Cold brook
Caldwell , From the cold spring
Caldwiella , From the cold spring
Cale , Brave
Calfhierde , Shepherd
Calhoun , Warrior
Calldwr , Cold brook
Calvert , Cowherd – Cowboy
Calvex , Shepherd
Cam , Bent nose
Cameron , Bent nose
Camm , Bent nose
Cammie , Bent nose
Camyron , Bent nose
Cannon , Cannon
Canon , Cannon
Carl , Strong – Manly
Carlatun , From Carl’s farm
Carleton , Carl’s town
Carlie , Carl’s island
Carlisle , From the walled City
Carlo , Strong – Manly
Carlos , Strong – Manly
Carlson , Free men’s town
Carlton , Free men’s town
Carly , Carl’s island
Carlyle , Carl’s island
Carnell , Defender of the castle
Carrington , Beautiful
Carson , Son of Carr
Carswell , Lives at the watercress spring
Carter , Cart driver
Cartere , Cart driver
Cartland , From the land between the streams
Carvel , From the villa by the march
Carvell , From the villa by the march
Carver , Sculptor – Wood carver
Caster , From the Roman camp
Caulder , River of stones – Stream
Cayle , Brave
Ceapmann , Merchant
Ceaster , Lives at the camp
Ceastun , Camp
Cedric , Battle leader
Celdtun , From the farm by the spring
Cenehard , Brave warrior
Cenewig , Brave warrior
Cenewyg , Brave warrior
Ceolbeorht , Seaman
Cetewind , From the cottage on the winding path
Chace , Huntsman
Chad , Warlike – Warrior
Chadburn , From the wildcat brook
Chadburne , From the wildcat brook
Chadbyrne , From the wildcat brook
Chadwell , Warlike – Warrior
Chadwick , Warlike – Warrior
Chadwik , From the warrior’s town
Chadwyk , From the warrior’s town
Chal , Boy – Son
Chance , Chancellor
Chancellor , Chancellor
Chancey , Chancellor
Chandler , Candle maker
Chann , Young wolf
Channe , Young wolf
Channing , Young wolf
Channon , Young wolf
Chapman , Merchant
Charles , Strong – Manly
Charleson , Strong – Manly
Charleston , Strong – Manly
Charleton , From Charles’s farm
Charley , Strong – Manly
Charlie , Strong – Manly
Charlton , Strong – Manly
Charly , Strong – Manly
Chas , Strong – Manly
Chase , Huntsman
Chasen , Huntsman
Chatham , From the soldier’s land
Chatwin , Warring friend
Chatwyn , Warring friend
Chaunce , Chancellor
Chaunceler , Chancellor
Chauncey , Fortune – A gamble
Chauncy , Fortune – A gamble
Chayce , Huntsman
Chaz , Strong – Manly
Chess , Soldiers Camp
Chester , Soldiers Camp
Cheston , Soldiers Camp
Chet , Soldiers Camp
Chetwin , From the cottage on the winding path
Chetwyn , From the cottage on the winding path
Chevalier , Knight – Chase – Hunt
Chevie , Knight – Chase – Hunt
Chevy , Knight – Chase – Hunt
Chick , Strong – Manly
Chico , Strong – Manly
Chil , Farm by the spring
Chill , Farm by the spring
Chilly , Farm by the spring
Chilton , Farm by the spring
Chip , Strong – Manly
Choncey , Fortune – A gamble
Chris , Annointed – Follower of Christ
Chuck , Strong – Manly
Churchill , Lives at the church hill
Churchyll , Lives at the church hill
Cingeswell , Lives at the king’s spring
Cingeswiella , Lives at the king’s spring
Cinwell , Lives at the king’s spring
Circehyll , Lives at the church hill
Claec , Dark
Claeg , Mortal
Claegborne , From the clay brook
Claegtun , Mortal
Claiborn , From the clay brook
Claiborne , Born of the earth – Clay
Clark , Cleric – Scholar
Clarke , Cleric – Scholar
Clarkson , Cleric – Scholar
Claud , Lame
Claude , Lame
Claudio , Lame
Claudius , Lame
Clay , Born of the earth – Clay
Clayborne , Born of the earth – Clay
Claybourne , Born of the earth – Clay
Clayburn , Born of the earth – Clay
Clayton , Born of the earth – Clay
Cleavon , From the cliff
Cleon , From the cliff
Cleve , From the cliff
Cleveland , From the cliff
Clevon , From the cliff
Cliff , From the cliff
Clifford , Cliff-side ford
Cliffton , From the farm near the cliff
Clifland , From the cliff
Clifton , From the farm near the cliff
Cliftun , From the farm near the cliff
Clint , Hillside town
Clinton , Hillside town
Clinttun , Hillside town
Clintwood , Hillside town
Clive , From the cliff
Clyffton , From the farm near the cliff
Clyfland , From the cliff
Clyford , Cliff-side ford
Clyftun , From the farm near the cliff
Clyve , From the cliff
Coburn , Place name
Coby , Place name
Codell , Helpful
Codey , Helpful
Codi , Assistant – A cushion – Helpful
Codie , Assistant – A cushion – Helpful
Cody , Assistant – A cushion – Helpful
Cofahealh , Lives at the cave slope
Colan , People’s victory
Colbert , Seaman
Colby , Coal town
Cole , People’s victory
Coleman , Charcoal burner – Peace
Colemann , Charcoal burner – Peace
Coletun , From the dark town
Coley , People’s victory
Colfre , Dove
Colier , Charcoal merchant – Coal miner
Colin , People’s victory
Colis , Son of the dark man
Collier , Charcoal merchant – Coal miner
Collin , People’s victory
Collins , People’s victory
Collis , Son of the dark man
Collyer , Charcoal merchant – Coal miner
Colman , Charcoal burner – Peace
Colson , People’s victory
Colston , Town of colt-breeding
Colt , Horse herdsman
Colten , Town of colt-breeding
Colter , Horse herdsman
Coltere , Horse herdsman
Colton , Town of colt-breeding
Coltrane , Horse herdsman
Colver , Dove
Colvert , Seaman
Colvyr , Dove
Colyer , Charcoal merchant – Coal miner
Colyn , People’s victory
Colys , Son of the dark man
Cony , From the round hill; Seething pool; Ravine
Cooper , Barrel maker
Coopersmith , Barrel maker
Corben , Raven-haired
Corbet , Raven – Black hair
Corbett , Raven – Black hair
Corbin , Raven – Black hair
Corby , Raven – Black hair
Corbyn , Raven-haired
Cord , Cordmaker
Cordale , Cordmaker
Corday , Cordmaker
Cordell , Cordmaker
Corey , From the hollow
Corin , Spear-bearer
Corky , From the round hill – Seething pool – Ravine
Corley , From the round hill – Seething pool – Ravine
Correy , From the round hill – Seething pool – Ravine
Corrick , From the round hill – Seething pool – Ravine
Cort , Lives in the King’s court
Cortland , Lives in the King’s court
Corvin , Raven-haired
Corwan , Raven – Black hair
Corwin , Raven – Black hair
Corwine , Friend of the heart
Corwyn , Raven – Black hair
Cory , From the round hill – Seething pool – Ravine
Coty , Old house
Coulter , Horse herdsman
Court , Lives in the King’s court
Courtenay , Court attendant
Courtland , Lives in the King’s court
Covell , Lives at the cave slope
Covyll , Lives at the cave slope
Crandall , From the crane valley
Crandell , From the crane valley
Cranleah , From the crane meadow
Cranley , From the crane meadow
Cranly , From the crane meadow
Cranston , From the crane estate
Cranstun , From the crane estate
Crawford , From the crow’s ford
Cree , Lives at a town near a creek
Creed , Belief – Guiding principle
Creigh , Lives at a town near a creek
Creighton , Lives at a town near a creek
Creketun , Lives at the creek town
Crespin , Curly haired
Crichton , Lives at a town near a creek
Crispin , Curly haired
Croften , From the enclosed town
Crofton , From the enclosed town
Crombwiella , Lives by the winding stream
Crompton , From the winding farm
Cromwell , Lives by the winding stream
Crosby , Lives near the town crossing
Crosleah , From the cross meadow
Crosleigh , From the cross meadow
Crosley , From the cross meadow
Crosly , From the cross meadow
Croydon , Place name
Culbart , Seaman
Culbert , Seaman
Culver , Dove
Cupere , Barrel maker
Curran , Churn
Curren , Churn
Currer , Churn
Currey , Churn
Currie , Churn
Currier , Churn
Curry , Churn
Curt , Courteous
Curtis , Courteous
Curtiss , Courteous
Cuthbeorht , Noted splendor
Cuthbert , Noted splendor
Cutler , Makes knives
Cwentun , From the queen’s estate
Cy , Master – Lord
Cyneleah , Lives in the royal meadow
Cyneley , Lives in the royal meadow
Cyneric , Royal
Cynerik , Royal
Cynhard , Bold guardian
Cyning , Royal
Cynric , Royal
Cynrik , Royal
Cyrill , Master – Lord
Dace , Of the nobility
Dacey , Of the nobility
Dacian , Of the nobility
Dack , Place name – French town Dax
Dael , Lives in the valley
Daelan , Angel from God
Dagwood , From the bright one’s forest
Dain , From Denmark
Daine , From Denmark
Daiton , Bright town
Dal , Valley
Dalbert , Proud
Dale , Valley
Dalen , Angel from God
Daley , Lives in the valley
Dallan , Valley
Dallen , Valley
Dallin , Valley
Dalton , Valley
Dalyn , Angel from God
Damon , Constant – Day
Dana , God is my judge
Dane , From Denmark
Danior , Born with teeth
Danon , From Denmark
Daran , Great
Darby , Without envy
Dare , Great – Rocky hill
Darek , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Darel , Dearly loved – Open
Darell , Beloved
Daren , Great
Darence , Beloved
Dariel , Dearly loved – Open
Dariell , Dearly loved – Open
Darin , Great – Rocky hill
Darnall , From Darnall
Darneil , Hidden
Darnel , Hidden
Darnell , Hidden nook
Darold , Beloved
Daron , Great
Darrance , Beloved
Darrel , Beloved
Darrell , Dearly loved
Darren , Great – Rocky hill
Darrence , Beloved
Darrin , Great – Rocky hill
Darrold , Beloved
Darroll , Dearly loved – Open
Darron , Great
Darryl , Beloved
Darryll , Beloved
Darryn , Great – Rocky hill
Darthmouth , Port’s name
Darton , From the deer park
Darvell , Town of eagles
Darvin , Beloved
Darwin , Beloved friend
Darwyn , Beloved friend
Daryl , Beloved
Daryle , Dearly loved – Open
Daryll , Beloved
Daveon , Beloved
Davian , Beloved
Davidson , Beloved
Davidsone , David’s son
Daviel , Beloved
Davion , Beloved
Daviot , Beloved
Davis , David’s son
Davison , Beloved
Davy , Beloved
Dawson , Beloved
Daxton , Place name – French town Dax
Day , Bright town
Daylan , Angel from God
Dayle , Lives in the valley
Daylen , Angel from God
Daylin , Angel from God
Daylon , Angel from God
Dayne , From Denmark
Dayner , From Denmark
Dayson , Beloved
Dayton , Bright town
Deacon , Dusty one – Servant
Deagmund , Bridge protector
Deakin , Dusty one – Servant
Dealbeorht , Proud
Dealbert , Proud
Dean , Presiding official – Valley
Deane , Presiding official – Valley
Deanne , From the dene
Dearborn , From the deer brook
Dearbourne , From the deer brook
Deavon , Place name
Dedrick , Gifted ruler
Deems , Judge’s son
Deerward , Guardian of the deer
Deke , Dusty one – Servant
Dekel , Dusty one – Servant
Dekle , Dusty one – Servant
Delbert , Proud – Noble – Bright
Delman , From the valley
Delmon , Of the mountain
Delmont , Of the mountain
Delton , From the town in the valley
Delvin , Godly friend
Delvon , Godly friend
Demason , Judge’s son
Demasone , Judge’s son
Dempsey , From the judge’s meadow
Dempster , Judge
Den , From the oak tree valley
Dene , Presiding official – Valley
Denley , From the valley meadow
Denney , Greek god of wine
Dennie , Greek god of wine
Dennis , Greek god of wine
Dennison , Greek god of wine
Denny , From the oak tree valley
Denton , From the valley farm
Denver , Green valley
Denzel , Place name
Denzell , Place name
Denzil , Place name
Deon , Of dionysus
Deortun , From the deer park
Deorward , Guardian of the deer
Deorwine , Friend of the deer – Gifted friend
Derald , Beloved
Derebourne , From the deer brook
Dereck , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Derek , Gifted ruler
Derell , Dearly loved – Open
Derick , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Derik , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Derrall , Dearly loved – Open
Derrance , Beloved
Derrek , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Derrell , Dearly loved – Open
Derren , Great
Derrian , Great
Derrick , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Derrik , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Derrill , Dearly loved – Open
Derrin , Great
Derrold , Beloved
Derryl , Dearly loved – Open
Dervin , Gifted friend
Dervon , Gifted friend
Derwan , Friend of the deer – Gifted friend
Derward , Guardian of the deer
Derwent , Place name
Derwin , Friend of the deer – Gifted friend
Derwood , Gatekeeper
Derwyn , Friend of the deer – Gifted friend
Deryck , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Deryk , Gifted ruler – From Theodoric
Des , Abbreviation of names beginning with Des-
Desmond , Protective grace
Desmund , Protective grace
Destrey , Surname
Destrie , Surname
Destry , Surname
Dev , Abbreviation of names beginning with Dev-
Devan , Place name
Deven , Place name
Deveon , Place name
Deveral , Place name
Devere , Place name
Devereau , Place name
Devereaux , Place name
Deverel , Place name
Deverell , Place name
Deverick , Place name
Devery , Place name
Devion , Place name
Devon , Place name
Devonn , Place name
Devron , Place name
Devry , Place name
Devyn , Place name
Dewey , Place name
Deylin , Angel from God
Diamond , Bridge protector
Diamont , Bridge protector
Diandre , Of dionysus
Dick , Powerful ruler
Dicken , Powerful – Rich ruler
Dickens , Powerful – Rich ruler
Dickenson , Powerful – Rich ruler
Dickie , Powerful ruler
Dickinson , Powerful – Rich ruler
Dickson , Strong ruler
Dicky , Powerful ruler
Diederick , Gifted ruler
Digby , Settlement near a ditch
Dikesone , Son of Dick
Dino , From the dene
Dion , Of dionysus
Diondre , Of dionysus
Dionte , Of dionysus
Dionysius , Of dionysus
Dix , Powerful – Rich ruler
Dixi , Dick’s son
Dixie , Dick’s son
Dixon , Powerful – Rich ruler
Dixy , Dick’s son
Doane , From the down hill
Dob , Bright – Famous
Dobbs , Bright – Famous
Don , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Donal , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Donald , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Donaldson , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Dondre , Of dionysus
Donghal , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Donn , In mythology the Irish Donn was known as king of the underworld.
Donne , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Donnie , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Donny , Ruler of the world – Brown stranger
Dontae , Enduring
Dontay , Enduring
Dontaye , Enduring
Donte , Enduring
Dontell , Enduring
Dontrell , Enduring
Doran , Stranger
Dorian , Descendant of Dorus
Dorien , Descendant of Dorus
Dorion , Descendant of Dorus
Doron , Stranger
Dorrance , Stranger
Dorrel , Stranger
Dorrell , Stranger
Dorren , Stranger
Dorrin , Stranger
Dorset , Tribe near the sea
Dorsey , Tribe near the sea
Doune , From the down hill
Dover , Water
Doyt , Fair
Draca , Dragon
Dracon , Dragon
Drake , Dragon
Drayce , Dragon
Drew , Manly – Valiant – Courageous
Dridan , From the dry valley
Driden , From the dry valley
Drue , Manly – Valiant – Courageous
Dryden , From the dry valley
Drygedene , From the dry valley
Duane , Dark – From the dunes
Dud , People’s meadow
Duddy , People’s meadow
Dudley , People’s meadow
Dudly , People’s meadow
Dugan , To be worthy
Duke , A royalty title
Dunleah , From the hill meadow
Dunleigh , From the hill meadow
Dunley , From the hill meadow
Dunly , From the hill meadow
Dunn , Dark skinned
Dunstan , From the brown rock quarry
Dunston , Valiant fighter – Dark stone
Dunton , From the farm on the hill
Duran , Firm – Enduring
Durand , Firm – Enduring
Durant , Firm – Enduring
Durante , Firm – Enduring
Durell , Strong
Durrant , Firm – Enduring
Durrell , Strong
Durriken , Fortune-telling
Durwald , Gatekeeper
Durward , Gatekeeper
Durwin , Gatekeeper
Durwood , Gatekeeper
Durwyn , Friend of the deer – Gifted friend
Dustan , Valiant fighter – Dark stone
Dustin , Valiant fighter – Dark stone
Duston , Valiant fighter – Dark stone
Dusty , Valiant fighter – Dark stone
Dustyn , Valiant fighter – Dark stone
Duwayne , Dark – From the dunes
Dwade , Dark traveler. Blend of Dwayne and Wade
Dwain , Dark – From the dunes
Dwaine , Dark – From the dunes
Dwane , Dark – From the dunes
Dwayne , Dark – From the dunes
Dwenn , One of originality
Dwennon , One of originality
Dwight , Fair
Dwighte , Fair
Dwite , Fair
Dwyght , Fair
Dwyghte , Fair
Dwyte , Fair
Eadbeorht , Wealthy
Eadburt , Wealthy
Eadelmarr , Noble
Eadger , Wealthy spear
Eadmund , Happy defender
Eadric , Wealthy ruler
Eadsele , From Edward’s estate
Eadward , Wealthy guardian
Eadwardsone , Son of Edward
Eadweald , Wealthy ruler
Eadweard , Wealthy guardian
Eadwiella , From the old spring
Eadwine , Wealthy friend
Eadwyn , Wealthy friend
Ealdun , From the elves’valley
Ealdwode , From the old forest
Ealhdun , From the elves’valley
Ealhhard , Brave
Eallard , Brave
Eallison , Son of Elder
Earl , Nobleman
Earle , Nobleman
Earnest , Serious – Determined
Earvin , Friend
Earwine , Friend of the sea
Earwyn , Friend of the sea
Easton , From East town
Eaton , From the riverside village
Eatun , From the riverside village
Eawart , Shepherd
Eberhard , Resolute – Keeper of the abbey larder
Ecgbeorht , Intelligent
Ed , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Eda , Wealthy guardian
Edbert , Wealthy
Eddie , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Eddis , Son of Edward
Eddrick , Power and good fortune
Eddy , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Ede , Prosperous guardian
Edelmar , Noble
Edelmarr , Noble
Edgar , Prosperous warrior
Edgardo , Prosperous warrior
Edgarton , Prosperous warrior
Edger , Prosperous warrior
Edgerton , Prosperous warrior
Edison , Son of Edward
Edmon , Prosperous guardian
Edmond , Prosperous guardian
Edmondo , Happy defender
Edmund , Prosperous guardian
Edmundo , Prosperous guardian
Edric , Power and good fortune
Edrick , Power and good fortune
Edrik , Wealthy ruler
Edsel , From Edward’s estate
Edson , Son of the Prosperous warrior
Eduard , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Eduardo , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Edvard , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Edwald , Wealthy ruler
Edwaldo , Wealthy ruler
Edward , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Edwardo , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Edwards , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Edwardson , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Edwin , Rich in friendship
Edwyn , Wealthy friend
Edyson , Son of Edward
Eferhard , Brave
Eferleah , From Ever’s meadow
Egbert , Intelligent
Egerton , From the town on the ridge
Eibhear , Strong as a boar
Eideard , Wealthy guardian
Elbridge , Old counsel
Eldan , From the elves’valley
Elden , From the elves’ valley – From the old town
Elder , Birch tree – Revered one
Eldon , From the elves’ valley – From the old town
Eldred , Old and wise rule
Eldrian , Old and wise rule
Eldrick , Old and wise rule
Eldridge , Old and wise rule
Eldur , From the elder tree
Eldwin , Old and wise rule
Elfred , Wise counsel
Elgin , Noble – White
Elgine , Noble – White
Eliot , Jehovah is God
Eliott , Jehovah is God
Eljin , Noble – White
Ellard , Brave
Ellder , From the elder tree
Ellery , Joyful
Elliot , Jehovah is God
Elliott , Jehovah is God
Ellis , Jehovah is God
Ellison , Son of Elder
Elliston , Jehovah is God
Ellwood , From the old forest
Elman , Famous nobleman
Elmar , Famous nobleman
Elmer , Lives at the elm tree moor Famed; noble.
Elmoor , Lives at the elm tree moor
Elmore , Lives at the elm tree moor
Elric , The king
Elrick , The king
Elrod , The king
Elroy , The king
Elsdon , From the noble’s hill
Elson , From the old town
Elston , Jehovah is God
Elsworth , From the noble’s estate
Elten , From the old estate – Ella’s town
Elton , From the old town
Elvern , Elf wine – Noble friend
Elvey , Elf warrior
Elvin , Elf wine – Noble friend
Elvis , Elf wine – Noble friend
Elvy , Elf warrior
Elvyn , Elf wine – Noble friend
Elwald , Old Welshman
Elwell , From the old spring
Elwen , Old friend
Elwin , Elf wine – Noble friend
Elwold , Old Welshman
Elwood , From the old forest
Elwyn , Elf wine – Noble friend
Emersen , Emery’s son
Emerson , Brave – Powerful – Mighty
Emery , Brave – Powerful
Emil , Industrious
Emmerson , Emery’s son
Emmett , Whole – Complete
Emmot , Hard worker – Truth
Emmott , Hard worker – Truth
Emmyrson , Emery’s son
Emory , Brave – Powerful
Emyrson , Emery’s son
Eoforwic , From the bear estate
Eorl , Nobleman
Eorland , From the noblemsn’s land
Eorlland , From the noblemsn’s land
Eorlson , Nobleman’s son
Erland , From the noblemsn’s land
Erle , Nobleman
Erling , Nobleman’s son
Ernest , Serious – Determined
Erskine , Green heights
Ervin , Friend
Ervine , Friend
Erving , Friend
Erwin , Friend of the sea
Erwyn , Friend of the sea
Escott , From Scotland
Esmond , Protected by God
Esmund , Protected by God
Esrlson , Nobleman’s son
Estcot , From the east cottage
Estcott , From the east cottage
Estmund , Protected by God
Eston , From East town
Ethelbert , Splendid
Eustace , Fruitful
Evan , Young warrior – Well-born
Ever , Strong as a boar
Everard , Brave
Everet , Strong as a boar
Everett , Hardy – Brave
Everhard , Strong as a boar
Everil , Boar-warrior
Everill , Boar-warrior
Everleigh , From Ever’s meadow
Everley , From Ever’s meadow
Everly , From Ever’s meadow
Evert , Strong as a boar
Everton , Hardy – Brave
Evian , Young warrior – Well-born
Ewald , Powerful
Ewart , Youth
Eweheorde , Shepherd
Ewert , Shepherd
Ewing , Youth
Faber , Bean grower
Fabian , Bean grower
Fabion , Bean grower
Faegan , Joyful
Faer , Traveler
Faerrleah , From the bull’s pasture
Faerwald , Powerful traveler
Fagan , Joyful
Fain , Joyful
Faine , Good natured
Fairfax , Blond
Fairfield , Blond
Fairleigh , Distant meadow
Fairley , Distant meadow
Fairlie , From the bull’s pasture
Fairly , Distant meadow
Falcon , Falconry
Fane , Joyful
Faris , Strong as iron
Farland , Distant meadow
Farleigh , From the bull’s pasture
Farley , From the bull’s pasture
Farlow , From the bull’s pasture
Farly , From the bull’s pasture
Farnall , From the fern slope
Farnell , From the fern slope
Farnham , From the fern field
Farnly , From the fern meadow
Farold , Powerful traveler
Farr , Traveler
Farrel , Courageous – Man of valor
Farrell , Courageous – Man of valor
Farren , Adventurous
Farris , Strong as iron
Farrow , Courageous – Man of valor
Farrs , Son of Farr
Fars , Son of Farr
Farson , Son of Farr
Favian , Bean grower
Favio , Bean grower
Fayne , Joyful
Fear , Fear
Fearnhamm , From the fern field
Fearnhealh , From the fern slope
Fearnleah , From the fern meadow
Felabeorbt , Brilliant
Felamaere , Famous
Felding , Lives in the field
Feldon , From the field estate
Feldtun , From the field estate
Feldun , From the field estate
Felton , From the field estate
Fenton , Marshland dweller
F’enton , From the farm on the fens
Fernald , From the fern slope
Ferron , Ironworker
Field , Field
Fielder , Field
Fielding , Lives in the field
Filbert , Brilliant
Filbuk , Brilliant
Filmarr , Famous
Filmer , Famous
Filmore , Famous
Finian , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Finlay , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Finley , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Finn , Blond
Finnian , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Finnie , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Finny , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Firman , Fair
Fiske , Fish
Fitch , Ermine
Fitche , Ermine
Fitz , Surname prefix meaning “son of”
Fitz Adam , Son of Adam
Fitz Gerald , Son of Gerald
Fitz Gibbon , Son of Gilbert
Fitz Gilbert , Son of Gilbert
Fitz Hugh , Son of Hugh
Fitz James , Son of James
Fitz Patrick , Son of Patrick
Fitz Simon , Son of Simon
Fitz Walter , Son of Walter
Fitz Water , Son of Walter
Fitzadam , Son of Adam
Fitzgerald , Son of Gerald
Fitzgibbon , Son of Gilbert
Fitzgilbert , Son of Gilbert
Fitzhugh , Son of Hugh
Fitzjames , Son of James
Fitzpatrick , Son of Patrick
Fitzsimmons , Son of Simon
Fitzsimon , Son of Simon
Fitzsimons , Son of Simon
Fitzwalter , Son of Walter
Fitzwater , Son of Walter
Fleming , Dutchman
Flemming , A native of Flanders
Fletcher , Arrow maker
Flint , Place name – A stone to start fire
Floyd , Gray haired
Flynt , Stream
Forbes , Prosperous
Ford , River crossing
Forde , A shallow place used to cross a river or stream
Forest , Keeps the forest Woodland.
Forester , Forest-ranger
Forrest , Woodland
Forrester , Protector of the forest
Foster , Forest-ranger
Fowler , Game warden
Fraine , Foreigner
Frank , Free – A free man
Frankie , Free – A free man
Franklin , Free man – Landholder
Franklyn , Free man – Landholder
Franky , Free – A free man
Frayne , Foreigner
Freca , Brave
Fred , Wise counsel
Freddie , Wise counsel
Freddy , Peaceful friend
Free , In liberty
Freeland , From the free land
Freeman , Free man
Freowine , Noble friend
Frewen , Noble friend
Frewin , Noble friend
Frewyn , Noble friend
Frey , Lord
Freyne , Foreigner
Frick , Brave
Fridolf , Peaceful wolf
Fridolph , Peaceful wolf
Friduwulf , Peaceful wolf
Fridwolf , Peaceful wolf
Frika , Brave
Frisa , Curly haired
Fugeltun , From the people’s estate
Fulaton , From the people’s estate
Fuller , Cloth thickener
Fullere , Cloth thickener
Fulton , From the people’s estate
Fyn , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Fynn , Fair heroe – Sunbeam
Fytch , Ermine
Gaarwine , Friend with a spear
Gage , A pledge – Oath
Gail , Lively
Gale , Lively
Galeun , From the town on the high ground
Galt , From the high ground
Galton , From the town on the high ground
Gann , Spear protector
Gannon , Speannan
Gar , Promontory
Garaden , From the three cornered hill
Garadin , From the three cornered hill
Garadun , From the three cornered hill
Garadyn , From the three cornered hill
Garafeld , From the triangular field
Garatun , Lives in the triangular farm stead
Gard , Keeper of the garden
Gardiner , Gardener
Gardner , Keeper of the garden
Gared , Rules by the spear
Garet , Brave with a spear
Garett , Rules by the spear
Garey , Spear
Garfield , Promontory
Gariland , From the spear land
Garland , From the spear land
Garman , Speannan
Garmann , Speannan
Garmond , Spear protector
Garmund , Spear protector
Garnell , Keeper of grain
Garner , Keeper of grain
Garnet , Armed with a spear
Garnett , Armed with a spear
Garr , Spear
Garrad , Rules by the spear
Garrard , Brave with a spear
Garred , Rules by the spear
Garret , Rules by the spear
Garrett , Rules by the spear
Garrey , Spear
Garrick , Rules by the spear
Garridan , You hid
Garrie , Spear bearer
Garrison , Son of Gary
Garrman , Speannan
Garroway , Spear fighter
Garrson , Son of Gar
Garry , Carries a spear
Garryson , Son of Gary
Garson , Son of Gar
Garsone , Son of Gar
Garth , Garden
Garton , Lives in the triangular farm stead
Garvey , Spear bearer
Garvie , Spear bearer
Garvin , Carries a spear
Garvyn , Friend with a spear
Garwig , Spear fighter
Garwin , Friend with a spear
Garwood , From the fir forest
Garwyn , Friend with a spear
Gary , Carries a spear
Garyson , Son of Gary
Gaukroger , Roger the clumsy
Gawain , Battle hawk
Gawen , Battle hawk
Gawyn , Battle hawk
Gayle , Lively
Geary , Flexible
Geffrey , Peaceful
Gehard , Spear hard
Gene , Born lucky
Geoff , Peaceful
Geoffrey , Peaceful
Geol , Born at Christmas
George , Farmer
Gerald , Rules by the spear
Gerardo , Spear hard
Gerd , Spear hard
Gere , Rules by the spear
Germain , From Germany – Bud
German , From Germany – Bud
Gerold , Rules by the spear
Gerrald , Rules by the spear
Gerred , Rules by the spear
Gerrell , Rules by the spear
Gerrit , Spear hard
Gerry , Rules by the spear
Gervais , Spear bearer
Gervaise , Spearman
Gervase , Carries a spear
Gervis , Spear bearer
Gherardo , Spear hard
Gibbesone , Gilbert’s Son
Gibson , Gilbert’s Son
Gifford , Gift of bravery
Gifuhard , Gift of bravery
Gijs , Intelligent
Gilbert , Trusted
Gilburt , Trusted
Gildas , Gilded
Gilford , From Gill’S ford
Gilmar , Famous hostage
Gilmer , Famous hostage
Gilpin , Trusted
Giselbert , Trusted
Giselmaere , Famous hostage
Gladwin , Happy friend
Gladwyn , Happy friend
Glaedwine , Happy friend
Godfrey , God’s peace
Godwin , God’s friend
Godwine , God’s friend
Gold , Blond
Golden , Blond
GOlding , Son Of Gold
Goldwin , Golden friend
Goldwine , Golden friend
Goldwyn , Golden friend
Goodwin , Good friend
Goodwine , Good friend
Goodwyn , Good friend
Gordon , From the cornered hill
Gowyn , God’s friend
Graden , Gray haired – Son of the Gray family – Son of Gregory
Gradon , Gray haired – Son of the Gray family – Son of Gregory
Graeghamm , From the gray home
Graegleah , From the gray meadow
Graeham , From the gray home
Graeme , Farm home
Graent , Great
Grafere , Lives in the grove
Graham , From the great meadow – Farm home
Gram , From the gray home
Granger , Farmer
Grangere , Farmer
Grant , Bestow – Great – Tall
Grantham , From the great meadow
Grantland , From the large meadow
Grantley , From the large meadow
Gray , Gray haired
Graysen , Gray haired – Son of the Gray family – Son of Gregory
Grayson , Son of Gray
Grayvesone , Son of the reeve
Greeley , From the gray meadow
Greely , From the gray meadow
Greg , On the watch
Gregg , On the watch
Gregory , On the watch
Gregson , Son of Gerald
Gresham , From the grazeland
Grey , Gray haired
Greyson , Gray haired – Son of the Gray family – Son of Gregory
Grisham , From the grazeland
Grover , Lives in the grove
Guilbert , Trusted
Guy , Lively
Guyon , Lively
Hadden , Child of the heather-filled valley
Haddon , From the heath
Haden , Child of the heather-filled valley
Hadley , Heath-covered meadow
Hadon , From the heath
Hadrian , Son of Adrian
Hadwin , War friend
Hadwyn , War friend
Haefen , Safety
Haele , Lives in the hall
Haestingas , Violent
Haethowine , War friend
Hagaleah , From the hedged meadow
Hagalean , From the hedged enclosure
Hagaward , Keeper of the hedged enclosure
Hagley , From the hedged enclosure
Hagly , From the hedged enclosure
Haig , From the hedged enclosure
Hal , Rules her household
Halbart , Brilliant hero
Halbert , Brilliant hero
Halburt , Brilliant hero
Haldane , From Denmark
Halden , From Denmark
Hale , Hero – Army ruler
Halebeorht , Brilliant hero
Halford , From the hall by the ford
Haligwiella , Lives by the holy spring
Hall , From the manor
Hallam , Lives at the hall’s slopes
Halley , From the manor house meadow
Halliwell , Lives by the holy spring
Hallwell , Lives by the holy spring
Halsey , From Hal’s island
Halsig , From Hal’s island
Halstead , From the manor house
Halton , From the hillslope estate
Hamelstun , From the grassy estate
Hamilton , Beautiful mountain
Hampton , Place name
Hand , Worker
Hanford , From the high ford
Hank , Rules the home
Hanley , From the high meadow
Hanly , From the high meadow
Harac , From the ancient oak tree
Haraford , From the hare’s ford
Harden , From the hare’s valley
Hardin , From the hare’s valley
Harding , From the hare’s valley
Hardwin , Brave friend
Hardwyn , Brave friend
Hardyn , From the hare’s valley
Hare , Rabbit
Harelache , Lives at the hare’s lake
Hareleah , From the hare’s meadow
Harford , From the hare’s ford
Hargrove , From the hare’s grove
Harlak , Lives at the hare’s lake
Harlake , Lives at the hare’s lake
Harlan , From the hare’s land
Harland , Meadow of the hares
Harleigh , From the hare’s meadow
Harlen , From the hare’s meadow
Harley , From the hare’s meadow
Harlon , From the hare’s meadow
Harlow , From the hare’s meadow
Harlowe , From the hare’s hill
Harman , Soldier
Harold , Army commander
Harper , Harpist
Harriman , Surname
Harris , Son of Harry
Harrison , Son of Harry
Harry , Army man
Hart , Strong – Brave
Harte , Strong – Brave
Hartford , From the stag’s ford
Hartley , From the deer pasture
Hartman , Strong – Brave
Hartun , From the gray estate
Hartwell , Lives near the stag’s spring
Hartwood , From the stag’s forest
Harv , Army warrior
Harvey , Army warrior
Haslet , From the hazel tree land
Haslett , From the hazel tree land
Hastings , Violent
Haven , Place of safety – Shelter
Haverhil , Boar-warrior
Haverl , Boar-warrior
Havyn , Safety
Hawley , From the hedged meadow
Hawly , From the hedged meadow
Hayden , From the hay meadow
Haydon , From the hedged in valley
Hayes , From the hedged place
Hayle , Lives in the hall
Hayward , Keeper of the hedged enclosure
Haywood , From the hedged forest
Hazen , From the hedged place
Heahweard , Chief guardian
Healhtun , From the hillslope estate
Heall , From the manor
Healleah , From the manor house meadow
Heallstede , From the manor house
Healum , Lives at the hall’s slopes
Healy , From the slope land
Heanford , From the high ford
Heanleah , From the high meadow
Heardind , From the hare’s valley
Heardwine , Brave friend
Hearne , Mythical hunter
Hearpere , Harpist
Heath , Untended land where flowering shrubs grow
Heathcliff , From the heath cliff
Heathclyf , From the heath cliff
Heathdene , From the heath
Heathleah , From the heath covered meadow
Heathley , From the heath covered meadow
Helton , From the hillslope estate
Henry , Rules her household
Heort , Stag
Heortwiella , Lives near the stag’s spring
Heortwode , From the stag’s forest
Herald , Army commander
Heraldo , Army commander
Herb , Strong army
Herbert , Strong army
Herbie , Strong army
Herby , Strong army
Herlbert , Strong army
Herlebeorht , Strong army
Hern , Mythical hunter
Herne , Mythical hunter
Herve , Bitter
Hetheclif , From the heath cliff
Heywood , From the hedged forest
Hiatt , From the high gate
Hid , From the hide
Hide , From the hide
Hillock , From the small hill
Hillocke , From the small hill
Hilton , Manor of the hill
Hline , From the bank
Hlink , From the bank
Hlithtun , From tbe hillside town
Hod , Hooded
Hodsone , Son of the hooded man
Holbrook , From the brook
Holcomb , From the deep valley
Holden , From tbe hollow in the valley
Holdin , From tbe hollow in the valley
Holdyn , From tbe hollow in the valley
Hollis , Lives by the holly trees
Holman , From the valley
Holmes , From the river island
Holt , Son of the unspoiled forest
Holwell , Lives by the holy spring
Horton , From the gray estate
Houerv , Bitter
Houghton , From the estate on the bluff
Houston , Hill town
Howard , Guardian of the home – Watchman
Howe , Guardian of the home – Watchman
Howie , Guardian of the home – Watchman
Howland , From the chiefs land
Hraefnscaga , From the raven forest
Hrapenly , From the shouter’s meadow
Hring , Ring
Hristun , From the brushwood estate
Hroc , Crow
Hrocby , From the crow’s estate
Hrocesburh , From the crow’s forest
Hrycg , From the ridge
Hrychleah , From the meadow’s edge
Hrypanleah , From the shouter’s meadow
Hrytherford , From the cattle ford
Hsmilton , From the grassy estate
Hud , Hooded
Hudson , Son of the hooded man
Huey , Intelligent
Hugh , Intelligent
Hugi , Intelligent
Hugo , Intelligent
Humility , Humble
Hunt , Pursuer
Hunter , Hunter
Huntingden , From the hunter’s hill
Huntingdon , From the hunter’s hill
Huntington , From the hunting farm
Huntingtun , From the hunting farm
Huntley , From the hunter’s meadow
Huntly , From the hunter’s meadow
Hurlbart , Strong army
Hurlbert , Strong army
Hurst , Lives in the forest
Hurste , Lives in the forest
Hutton , From the estate on the ridge
Huxeford , From Hugh’s ford
Huxford , From Hugh’s ford
Huxley , From Hugh’s meadow
Huxly , From Hugh’s meadow
Hwaeteleah , From the wheat feild
Hweolere , Wheel maker
Hwertun , From the estate at the hollow
Hwistlere , Piper
Hwitby , From the white farmstead
Hwitcomb , From the white hollow
Hwitcumb , From the white hollow
Hwitford , From the white ford
Hwithloew , From the white hill
Hwitloc , From the white fortress
Hyatt , From the high gate
Hyde , From the hide
Idal , From the yew tree valley
Ike , Laughter
Innocent , Innocent
Irven , Friend
Irvin , Friend
Irvine , Friend
Irving , Friend
Irvyn , Friend
Irwin , Sea friend
Irwyn , Sea friend
Isenham , From the iron one’s estate
Isham , From the iron one’s estate
Ivar , Archer’s bow
Ives , Archer
Ivey , Ivy – A climbing evergreen ornamental plant
Ivo , Archer’s bow
Ivon , Archer’s bow
Ivor , Archer’s bow
Iwdael , From the yew tree valley
Jack , God is gracious
Jackie , God is gracious
Jackson , Son of Jack
Jacy , Beautiful
Jae , Healer
Jager , Cart driver
Jagger , A teamster
Jago , Supplanter
Jai , Healer
Jake , Supplanter
Jal , Wanderer
James , Replace
Jameson , Supplanter
Jamison , Supplanter
Janaya , God has answered
Janene , God is gracious
Janyd , Spearman
Janyl , Strong – Open-minded
Jaran , To cry out – Singing
Jarel , Strong – Open-minded
Jarell , Strong – Open-minded
Jaren , To cry out – Singing
Jarin , To cry out – Singing
Jarman , A German
Jarrad , Spearman
Jarran , To cry out – Singing
Jarred , Spearman
Jarrel , Strong – Open-minded
Jarrell , Strong – Open-minded
Jarren , To cry out – Singing
Jarret , Spear strong
Jarrett , Spear strong
Jarrod , Spear strong
Jarron , To cry out – Singing
Jarvis , Spearman
Jaryl , Strong – Open-minded
Jaryn , To cry out – Singing
Jasmine , Jasmine flower – Gift from God
Jasper , Master of treasure
Jax , God is gracious
Jaxon , God is gracious
Jay , Healer
Jayar , Healer
Jaycee , Beautiful
Jaydee , The gemstone jade – The color green
Jaye , Healer
Jayme , Supplanter
Jaymes , Supplanter
Jayna , God is gracious
Jayron , Healer
Jayronn , Healer
Jayvee , Beautiful
Jazmina , Jasmine flower – Gift from God
Jazzalyn , Jasmine flower – Gift from God
Jeanelle , God is gracious
Jeff , Peaceful
Jefferson , Son of Geoffrey
Jeffery , Peaceful
Jefford , Place name
Jeffrey , Peaceful
Jeffry , Peaceful
Jem , Supplanter
Jenarae , God is gracious – Fair one
Jenilynn , God is gracious – Fair one
Jennalyn , White wave
Jennelle , Gracious – Merciful – God is gracious
Jennis , God is gracious – Fair one
Jenny-lee , God is gracious – Fair one
Jenyd , Rules by the spear
Jerad , Rules by the spear
Jeramie , Exalted of the Lord
Jeramy , Exalted of the Lord
Jeran , To cry out – Singing
Jerande , Rules by the spear
Jerard , Rules by the spear
Jered , Rules by the spear
Jerel , Strong – Open-minded
Jeremie , Exalted of the Lord
Jeremy , Exalted of the Lord
Jeren , To cry out – Singing
Jerett , Spear strong
Jeric , Strong – Gifted ruler
Jerick , Strong – Gifted ruler
Jeriel , Strong – Open-minded
Jermain , From Germany – Bud
Jermaine , From Germany – Bud
Jermana , From Germany – Bud
Jermane , Brotherly
Jermayne , From Germany – Bud
Jermyn , From Germany – Bud
Jerod , Rules by the spear
Jerrad , Rules by the spear
Jerrall , Strong – Open-minded
Jerred , Rules by the spear
Jerrel , Strong – Open-minded
Jerrell , Strong – Open-minded
Jerren , To cry out – Singing
Jerrett , Spear strong
Jerric , Strong – Gifted ruler
Jerrick , Strong – Gifted ruler
Jerriel , Strong – Open-minded
Jerrin , To cry out – Singing
Jerrod , Rules by the spear
Jerron , To cry out – Singing
Jerry , Abbreviation of names beginning with Jer-
Jerryl , Strong – Open-minded
Jervis , Spearman
Jeryl , Strong – Open-minded
Jesse , Jehovah exists
Jilliann , Jove’s child
Jim , Supplanter
Jimmie , Supplanter
Jimmy , Supplanter
Jinny , God is gracious – Fair one
Joanie , God is gracious
Jobe , Persecuted
Joby , Persecuted
Jody , God wiIl multiply
Joe , God wiIl multiply
Joey , God wiIl multiply
John , God is merciful
Johnn , God is merciful
Johnnie , God is merciful
Johnny , God is merciful
John-paul , God is merciful
Johnson , God is merciful
Jon , God is merciful
Jonn , God is merciful
Jonni , God is merciful
Jonnie , God is merciful
Joran , Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Jordain , To descend – To flow
Jordanna , To descend – To flow
Jordell , To descend – To flow
Jordi , To descend – To flow
Jordy , To descend – To flow
Jorel , Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Jorell , Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Jorian , Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Jorrel , Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Jorrell , Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Josilyn , Happy – Full of joy – Supplanter
Jourdaine , To descend – To flow
Jourdon , To descend – To flow
Julian , Youthful
July , Born on the month of July
Justain , Justice
Justice , Justice
Justin , Just – True – Upright
Justis , Justice
Jyll , Youthful
Kaedee , Rhythmic flow of sounds
Kailene , Keeper of the keys
Kalen , Keeper of the keys
Kallita , Fun
Kameron , Bent nose
Kandiss , Ethiopian queen
Kannon , Cannon
Karina , Pure – Innocent
Karl , A man
Kasia , Brave – Watchful
Kassandra , Protector of mankind
Kassi , Protector of mankind
Katelinn , Pure – Innocent
Kathy , Pure – Innocent
Katlynne , Pure – Innocent
Katy , Rhythmic flow of sounds
Kaycie , Brave – Watchful
Kaylah , Keeper of the keys
Kaylan , Keeper of the keys
Kaylene , Keeper of the keys
Kaylyn , Keeper of the keys
Kean , Sharp – Brave
Keanan , Sharp
Keandre , Ancient
Keane , Sharp – Brave
Keannen , Ancient
Keaton , Place of the hawks
Keddrick , Bounty – Spectacle – Founder
Kedric , Bounty – Spectacle – Founder
Kedrick , Bounty – Spectacle – Founder
Keen , Sharp – Brave
Keenan , Sharp
Keene , Sharp – Brave
Kelcie , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kell , From the spring
Kels , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelsey , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelsi , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelsie , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelson , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelsy , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelton , Ceol’s island – Beautiful island
Kelvan , River man
Kelven , River man
Kelvin , River man
Kem , Champion
Kemble , Chief
Kemp , Warrior
Kempe , Warrior
Kemper , Champion
Kemplen , Champion
Kempson , Champion
Kempy , Champion
Ken , Royal obligation
Kendal , Royal valley
Kendale , Royal valley
Kendall , Royal valley
Kendel , Royal valley
Kendell , Royal valley
Kendriek , Son of Harry
Kendrik , Son of Harry
Kendryk , Son of Harry
Kenelm , Defends the family
Kenley , From the king’s meadow
Kenly , Dweller at the king’s meadow
Kenn , Royal obligation
Kennan , Abbreviation of names beginning with Ken-
Kennard , Strong
Kennet , Royal oath
Kenneth , Royal oath
Kenney , Royal oath
Kenny , Royal oath
Kenrich , Royal ruler
Kenrick , Royal ruler
Kenriek , Royal ruler
Kenrik , Royal ruler
Kenryk , Royal ruler
Kent , From Kent
Kenton , From Kent
Kentrell , Royal chieftain
Kenward , Bold guardian
Kenway , Royal ruler
Ker , House
Kerrick , King’s rule
Kester , From the Roman camp
Kevin , Royal oath
Key , Guiding – Leading
Keyon , Guiding – Leading
Kieon , Guiding – Leading
Kim , Chief
Kimball , Chief
Kimbell , Chief
Kimberley , Land belonging to Cyneburg – Royal fortress meadow
Kimberly , Land belonging to Cyneburg – Royal fortress meadow
Kimble , Chief
Kimby , Land belonging to Cyneburg – Royal fortress meadow
Kimmey , Chief
Kimmi , Chief
Kimmie , Land belonging to Cyneburg – Royal fortress meadow
Kimmy , Chief
King , Ruler
Kingdon , From the king’s hall
Kingsley , Ruler
Kingston , Ruler
Kingswell , Ruler
Kinnard , Wearing a crown – Sharply pointed hill
Kinnell , Wearing a crown – Sharply pointed hill
Kinsey , Victorious
Kinsley , Victorious
Kip , One who cures salmon or herring
Kipling , One who cures salmon or herring
Kipp , From the pointed hill
Kippar , From the pointed hill
Kipper , Wearing a crown – Sharply pointed hill
Kippie , From the pointed hill
Kippy , Wearing a crown – Sharply pointed hill
Kirby , Church farm
Kirk , Church
Kirkley , From the church’s meadow
Kirkly , From the church’s meadow
Kirkwood , From the church’s forest
Kit , Christ bearer
Kleef , From the cliff
Knight , Noble – Soldier
Knocks , From the hills
Knoll , From the hills
Knox , From the hills
Kolby , From the coal town
Korbin , Raven-haired
Kord , Cordmaker
Kordale , Cordmaker
Kordell , Cordmaker
Korrigan , Spearman
Krystine , Annointed – Follower of Christ
Kurt , Courteous
Kym , Chief
Kymberly , Land belonging to Cyneburg – Royal fortress meadow
Kyne , Royal
Kyrk , Church
Kyrkwode , From the church’s forest
Lach , Lives near water
Lache , Lives near water
Lad , Attendant
Ladbroc , Lives by the path by the brook
Ladd , Young man
Ladde , Attendant
Laec , Lives near water
Laefertun , From the rush farm
Laibrook , Lives by the path by the brook
Laidley , From the creek meadow
Laidly , From the creek meadow
Laine , Narrow road
Lancdon , From the long hill slope
Landan , Long hill
Landen , Long hill
Lander , Property owner
Landers , Property owner
Landis , Property owner
Landman , Property owner
Landon , From the long hill
Landor , Property owner
Landry , Property owner
Lane , Narrow road
Lang , Long – Tall
Langdon , Long – Tall
Langford , Long – Tall
Langhorne , Long – Tall
Langleah , From the long meadow
Langley , Long – Tall
Langston , Long – Tall
Langtry , Long – Tall
Lannie , Famous soldier
Lanny , Famous soldier
Lanston , From the long estate
Larnell , Laurel crown – The crown of victory
Larry , Laurel crown – The crown of victory
Lathrop , From the farmstead with the barn
Latimer , Interprets Latin
Lattimore , Interpreter
Launder , From the grassy plain
Lauraine , The laurel tree – Sweet bay tree – Honor – Victory
Laureano , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Laurence , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Laurian , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lauriano , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Law , From the hill
Lawe , From the hill
Lawford , From the ford at the hill
Lawley , From the hill meadow
Lawly , From the hill meadow
Lawrence , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lawson , Son of Lawrence
Lawton , From the hillside farm
Lay , From the meadow farm
Layna , Narrow road
Layne , Narrow road
Layton , From the meadow farm
Lea , Glade
Leal , Loyal
Leander , Like a lion
Leanne , Glade
Lear , Shakespearian king
Lee , Dweller by the deer meadow
Leeanne , Glade
Leeland , Pasture ground
Leicester , From Leicester
Leigh , Dweller by the deer meadow
Leigh Anne , Glade
Leighton , From the meadow land
Leland , From the meadow land
Lele , Loyal
Leman , From the valley
Len , Lion-hearted
Lendall , From the linden tree dell
Lendell , From the linden tree dell
Lenn , Lion-hearted
Lennell , Lion-hearted
Lennie , Lion-hearted
Lenny , Lion-hearted
Lensar , With his parents
Leo , Lion
Leopold , Brave one
Lester , Fortified
Letitia , Joyful
Leverton , From the rush farm
Lew , Shelter
Lewis , Renowned warrior
Lex , Protector of mankind
Lexann , Protector of mankind
Leyman , From the meadow land
Libby , My God is bountiful – God of plenty
Lifton , From tbe hillside town
Lilian , Innocence – Purity – Beauty
Lilybeth , My God is bountiful – God of plenty
Lin , Lives by the linden tree
Linc , Lakeside colony
Lincoln , Lakeside colony
Lind , Lives by the linden tree
Lindael , Lives by the linden tree valley
Lindberg , Linden tree
Linddun , Lives by the linden tree
Lindel , From the linden tree dell
Lindell , From the linden tree meadow
Linden , Linden tree
Lindisfarne , From Lindisfarne
Lindleigh , From the linden tree meadow
Lindley , From the linden tree meadow
Lindly , From the linden tree meadow
Lindon , Linden tree
Lindt , Linden tree
Line , From the bank
Linely , Linden tree
Linford , From the linden tree ford
Link , From the bank
Linleah , From the flax field
Linley , From the flax field
Linly , From the flax field
Linton , Linden tree
Lintun , From the flax enclosure
Linwood , From the linden tree meadow
Lion , Lion
Lionel , Lion
Lionell , Lion
Lisabet , Devoted to God
Lisle , Carl’s island
Litton , From tbe hillside town
Livingston , From Lyfing’s town
Llewellyn , Ruler
Lloyd , Gray haired
Loc , Lives by tbe stronghold
Locke , Lives by tbe stronghold
Lockwood , From the enclosed wood
Loefel , Dearly loved
London , Fierce ruler of the world
Lonell , Young lion
Lonnell , Young lion
Loran , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lorance , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Loren , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lorence , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lorette , The laurel tree – Sweet bay tree – Honor – Victory
Loria , The laurel tree – Sweet bay tree – Honor – Victory
Lorimar , Saddle maker
Lorimer , Saddle maker
Lorin , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lorren , Laurel crown – The crown of victory
Loryn , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Louis , From the place of laurel trees – Honor – Victory
Lovell , Dearly loved
Lowell , Dearly loved
Loyal , Faithful – Unswerving
Lucas , Light – Illumination
Lucius , Light – Illumination
Lucky , Fortunate – Lucky
Ludlow , From the prince’s hill
Lydell , From the open dell
Lyfing , Dearly loved
Lyle , Carl’s island
Lyman , From the valley
Lynd , Lives by the linden tree
Lyndon , Lives by the linden tree
Lyndsie , From the linden tree island
Lynessa , House – Church
Lynford , From the linden tree ford
Lynne , House – Church
Lyre , A fork from river
Lytton , Hillside town
Lyza , Devoted to God
Mace , A medieval weapon
Maceo , From Matthew’s land – Club
Macey , From Matthew’s land – Club
Macomb , To make
Macon , To make
Macy , From Matthew’s land – Club
Maddison , Son of a mighty warrior
Maddy , Son of a mighty warrior
Madison , Gift of God – Strong fighter
Maed , From the meadow
Maelwine , Strong friend
Maeret , Little famous one
Maerewine , Famous friend
Maethelwine , Council friend
Maetthere , Strong army
Maeve , Little bird
Maeves , Little bird
Maitland , From the meadow
Maive , Little bird
Makepeace , Peace maker
Makon , To make
Malin , Little warrior
Malvin , Council friend
Malvyn , Council friend
Malyn , Little warrior
Man , Son of the hero
Manchester , Man of the meadow
Mander , From me
Manfred , Hero’s peace
Manfrid , Hero’s peace
Manheim , Man of the meadow
Manley , Hero
Manly , Hero
Mann , Hero
Manning , Son of a hero
Mannleah , From the hero’s meadow
Mansfield , Man of the meadow
Manton , Man of the meadow
Manville , Man of the meadow
Maralyn , Waterfall
Marchland , From the march
Marchman , From the march
Mardel , Surname
Marden , From the valley with the pool
Mardon , From the valley with the pool
Mardyth , Field near water
Mariel , Bitter
Marilynn , Waterfall
Marji , Pearl
Mark , God of war
Marlan , Famous – Of the sea
Marland , Famous – Of the sea
Marlayne , From Magdala
Marleigh , Marshy meadow
Marley , From the marsh valley
Marlin , Famous – Of the sea
Marline , From Magdala
Marlo , From the hillside lake
Marlon , Famous – Of the sea
Marlow , From the hill by the lake – Marshy meadow
Marlowe , From the hill by the lake – Marshy meadow
Marly , From the march meadow
Marlyssa , From Magdala
Marschall , Keeper of the horses – Steward
Marsden , From the marsh valley
Marsdon , Field near water
Marsh , From the marsh valley
Marshal , Keeper of the horses – Steward
Marshall , Keeper of the horses – Steward
Marshe , Keeper of the horses – Steward
Marsten , Town near the marsh
Marston , From the Town near the marsh
Martin , Warrior of Mars
Marty , Warrior of Mars
Martyn , Warrior of Mars
Marven , Famous friend
Marvin , Famous friend
Marvyn , Famous friend
Marwin , Famous friend
Marwood , From the lake forest
Maryann , Bitter
Marybell , Bitter
Marylu , Bitter
Maryse , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Mason , Stone worker
Mather , Strong army
Mathers , Son of Mather
Matherson , Son of Mather
Mathew , Gift of God
Matt , Gift of God
Matthias , Gift of God
Maunfeld , From the field by the small river
Maurice , Dark skinned – A Moor
Mauricio , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Maurizio , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Maury , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Mauve , Little bird
Maverick , An independent man who avoids conformity
Maves , Little bird
Mavis , Little bird
Mavrick , An independent man who avoids conformity
Maxfield , Field belonging to Mack
Maximilian , The greatest
Maximillian , The greatest
Maxwell , Capable
Mayer , Headman – Mayor
Mayfield , From the warrior’s field
Mead , From the meadow
Meade , Honey – Wine – Meadow
Meave , Little bird
Medwin , Strong friend
Medwine , Strong friend
Medwyn , Strong friend
Meed , Meadow
Meid , Meadow
Mel , Repairer
Melborn , From the mill stream
Melbourne , From the mill stream
Melburn , From the mill stream
Melbyrne , From the mill stream
Meldon , Hillside – Town by the mill
Meldrick , From the powerful mill
Meldrik , From the powerful mill
Meldryk , From the powerful mill
Melor , Marx Engels Lenin October Revolution
Melton , From the mill town
Melville , Hillside – Town by the mill
Melvin , Strong friend
Melvon , Friend of Michael
Melvyn , Strong friend
Menachem , Repairer
Menahem , Repairer
Mendel , Repairer
Mendelssohn , Repairer
Merce , Storekeeper
Mercer , Merchant
Merestun , From the farm by the pool
Merewode , From the lake forest
Merewood , From the lake forest
Meril , Famous – Of the sea
Merle , Famous – Of the sea
Merlow , From the hill by the lake
Merral , Famous – Of the sea
Merrel , Famous – Of the sea
Merrick , Famous – Of the sea
Merril , Shining sea.
Merrill , Famous – Of the sea
Merritt , Little famous one
Mersc , From the marsh
Merton , Famous – Of the sea
Mervin , Famous friend
Mervyn , Famous friend
Merwyn , Famous friend
Meryl , Famous – Of the sea
Meuriz , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Mick , Like God
Mickey , Like God
Mike , Like God
Milburn , From the mill stream
Milbyrne , From the mill stream
Miles , Merciful
Milford , From the mill’s ford
Millard , One who grinds grain
Millen , One who grinds grain
Miller , One who grinds grain
Millman , Mill worker
Mills , One who mills
Millson , One who mills
Milman , Mill worker
Milo , Merciful
Milt , From the mill town
Milten , From the mill town
Milton , From the mill town
Milty , From the mill town
Milward , Keeper of the mill
Mindy , Gentle one
Mistie , Misty
Mitcbel , Like God
Mitch , Like God
Mitchel , Like God
Mitchell , Like God
Modraed , Brave
Monte , From the wealthy man’s mountain
Montgomery , From the wealthy man’s mountain
Montie , Mountain
Monty , Mountain
Mordred , Brave
More , From the moors
Moreland , From the moors
Moreley , From the meadow on the moor
Morets , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morey , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Moritz , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Moriz , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morland , Marshland
Morlee , Moor – Meadow
Morleigh , Moor – Meadow
Morley , Moor – Meadow
Morly , From the meadow on the moor
Morrell , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morrey , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morrie , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morris , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morrisey , Son of More
Morrison , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morry , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morse , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Morton , From the farm near the moor
Morven , Child of the sea
Moss , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Moulton , From the mule farm
Mull , Grinder
Muller , Grinder
Müller , Grinder
Murray , Moorish – Dark-skinned – Moor land
Myles , Merciful
Mylnburne , From the mill stream
Mylnric , From the powerful mill
Mylo , Merciful
Myril , Famous – Of the sea
Myrl , Famous – Of the sea
Nancie , Grace
Napier , In charge of royal linens
Nash , Cliff
Nashe , Cliff
Neal , Champion
Nealson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Ned , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Neddie , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Neddy , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Neffe , Middle
Neilson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nellie , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nelly , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nels , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nelson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Neuman , Newcomer
Neumann , Newcomer
Nev , New village
Nevelson , New village
Neven , Middle
Nevil , New village
Nevile , New village
Neville , New village
Nevin , Middle
Nevins , Middle
Newall , From the new manor
Newbold , From the new manor
Newell , From the new manor
Newgate , From the new manor
Newland , New village
Newlin , From the new manor
Newman , Newcomer
Newmie , Newcomer
Newton , From the new manor
Niall , Champion
Nicholas , People’s victory
Nick , People’s victory
Nickson , People’s victory
Nicky , People’s victory
Nico , People’s victory
Nicol , People’s victory
Nicson , Son of Nick
Niewheall , From the new hall
Nigel , Champion
Nijel , Champion
Nikki , People’s victory
Nikko , People’s victory
Niko , People’s victory
Nikos , People’s victory
Nikson , Son of Nick
Niles , Champion
Nilson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nixen , Son of Nick
Nixon , People’s victory
Norbert , Shining from the North
Norberto , Shining from the North
Norcross , From the north cross roads
Norm , From the north
Normal , From the north
Norman , From the north
Normand , From the north
Normie , From the north
Norris , From the north
North , From the north
Northclif , From the north cliff
Northcliff , From the north
Northcliffe , From the north cliff
Northclyf , From the north cliff
Northrop , From the north farm
Northrup , From the north
Northtun , From the north farm
Northwode , From the north forest
Nortin , From the north farm
Norton , From the north
Norville , From the north
Norvin , From the north
Norvyn , Friend of the north
Norward , From the north
Norwel , From the north spring
Norwell , From the north
Norwin , From the north
Norwood , From the north
Norwyn , From the north
Nowles , From the north
Numen , Newcomer
Nye , Island
Nygel , Champion
Nykko , People’s victory
Nyle , Island
Nyles , Champion
Oakden , From the oak tree valley
Oakes , From the oak tree valley
Oakley , From the oak tree valley
Ocelfa , From the high plain
Odale , Of the valley
Odam , Son in law
Odayle , Of the valley
Odell , Of the valley
Odom , Son in law
Odwolf , Wealthy wolf
Odwolfe , Wealthy wolf
Odwulf , Wealthy wolf
Oegelsby , Fearsome
Ogden , From the oak tree valley
Ogdon , From the oak tree valley
Ogelsby , Fearsome
Ogelsvie , Fearsome
Ogelsvy , Fearsome
Oggie , From the oak tree valley
Okes , From the oak
Olin , Holy
Olinda , Holy
Oliver , Olive tree
Ollaneg , From Olney
Olney , Holy
Onslow , From the zealous one’s hill
Onslowe , From the zealous one’s hill
Orahamm , From tbe riverbank enclosure
Oram , From tbe riverbank enclosure
Oratun , From the shore farm
Ordland , From the pointed hill
Ordman , Spearman
Ordmund , Spear protector
Ordsone , Ormond’s son
Ordwald , Spear strength
Ordwin , Spear friend
Ordwine , Spear friend
Orford , From the cattle ford
Orham , From tbe riverbank enclosure
Orick , From the ancient oak tree
Orik , From the ancient oak tree
Orlan , From the pointed hill
Orland , From the pointed hill
Orman , Spearman
Ormeman , Spearman
Ormemund , Spear protector
Ormond , Spear protector
Ormund , Spear protector
Orran , River name
Orren , River name
Orrick , From the ancient oak tree
Orrik , From the ancient oak tree
Orrin , River name
Orsen , Spearman’s son
Orsin , Spearman’s son
Orsini , Spearman’s son
Orson , Spearman’s son
Orton , From the shore farm
Ortun , From the shore farm
Orval , Spear strength
Orvil , Spear strength
Orville , Spear strength
Orvin , Spear friend
Orvyn , Spear friend
Orwald , Spear strength
Os , Divine
Osbart , Divinely brilliant
Osbeorht , Divinely brilliant
Osbert , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osborn , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osborne , Inspired – Divine
Osbourne , Divine warrior
Osburn , Divine warrior
Osburt , Divinely brilliant
Oscar , God’s spear
Osman , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osmar , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osmarr , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osmen , Inspired – Divine
Osmin , Godly protection
Osmond , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osmont , Divine protector
Osmund , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osraed , Divine counselor
Osred , Divine counselor
Osric , Divine ruler
Osrick , Divine ruler
Osrid , Divine counselor
Osrik , Divine ruler
Osryd , Divine counselor
Ossie , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Osted , Inspired – Divine
Ostric , Inspired – Divine
Oswald , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Oswaldo , Divinely powerful
Oswall , Divinely powerful
Osweald , Divinely powerful
Oswell , Divinely glorious – Inspired
Oswin , God’s friend
Oxford , From the ox farm
Oxley , From the ox enclosure
Oxnaford , From the ox ford
Oxnaleah , From the ox enclosure
Oxnatun , From the ox farm
Oxon , From where the oxen ford
Oxton , From the ox farm
Oz , Divine
Ozzie , Divinely powerful
Packard , One who packs
Paegastun , From the fighter’s farm
Paella , Mantle
Paine , Pagan
Palmer , Bearing a palm branch
Palmere , Pilgrim
Paris , Place name
Parisch , Lives near the church
Park , Keeper of the forest – Forest ranger – Cultivated land
Parke , Keeper of the forest – Forest ranger – Cultivated land
Parker , Keeper of the forest – Forest ranger – Cultivated land
Parkin , Little rock
Parkins , Son of Parkin
Parkinson , Son of Parkin
Parkley , Cultivated land
Parks , Cultivated land
Parle , Little rock
Parnall , Little rock
Parnel , Surname
Parnell , Surname
Parr , From the stable
Parrish , Lives near the church
Parry , Pear tree
Parsefal , Valley piercer
Parsifal , Valley piercer
Pat , From the fighter’s town
Paton , From the fighter’s town
Patrick , Noble one
Patten , From the fighter’s town
Pattin , From the fighter’s town
Patton , From the fighter’s town
Paul , Little one
Pauloc , Little rock
Paulson , Little – Son of Paul
Pax , From the peaceful farm
Paxton , Peaceful town
Paxtun , From the peaceful farm
Payden , From the fighter’s farm
Payne , Pagan
Payton , From the fighter’s town
Pearce , Rock – Stone
Pearroc , Of the forest
Pears , Rock
Pearson , Son of Pierce
Peirce , Rock
Pelham , Mantle
Pell , Mantle
Pelltun , From the pool farm
Pelton , Mantle
Pemton , From the pool farm
Penleigh , From the enclosed pasture meadow
Penley , From the enclosed pasture meadow
Penn , Enclosure
Pennleah , From the enclosed pasture meadow
Penton , From the enclosed farm
Pepper , From the pepper plant
Perceval , Valley piercer
Percival , Pierces
Percy , Pierces
Peregrine , The peregrine falcon
Perekin , Little rock
Peri , Wanderer
Perian , Pear tree
Perianne , Pear tree
Perin , Pear tree
Perkin , Little rock
Perkins , Son of Perkin
Perkinson , Son of Perkin
Pernel , Little rock
Pernell , Little rock
Perri , Wanderer
Perrin , Pear tree
Perry , Pear tree
Perye , From the pear tree
Pete , Rock
Peter , Rock – Stone
Peterson , Rock
Peyton , From the fighter’s farm
Pfeostun , From the Priest’s farm
PfessSley , From the priest’s meadow
Phelps , Son of Philip
Phil , Loves horses
Philip , Loves horses
Philips , Son of Philip
Phillip , Loves horses
Phillips , Son of Philip
Picaworth , From the woodcutter’s estate
Picford , From the woodcutter’s ford
Pickford , From the woodcutter’s ford
Pickworth , From the woodcutter’s estate
Pierce , Rock – Stone
Piercy , Rock
Pierrel , Little rock
Pierrey , Pear tree
Piers , Rock – Stone
Pierson , Son of Pierce
Piper , Piper
Pit , From the Pit
Pitney , From the Preserving land
Pollock , Little rock
Prentice , Apprentice
Prentiss , Apprentice
Preostcot , From the Priest’s dwelling
Prescot , Priest’s cottage
Prescott , Dweller at the church – Priest’s settlement
Presley , Dweller at the church – Priest’s settlement
Prestin , From the Priest’s farm
Preston , Dweller at the church – Priest’s settlement
Priest , Dweller at the church – Priest’s settlement
Priestley , Dweller at the church – Priest’s settlement
Priestly , Dweller at the church – Priest’s settlement
Prince , Principal one – First
Princeton , Principal one – First
Prior , Servant of the priory
Pryor , Servant of the priory
Putnam , From the commander’s estate
Putney , From the sire’s estate
Pyn , From the enclosure
Pyper , Piper
Pyt , From the Pit
Quent , Fifth-born child
Quentin , From the queen’s estate
Quenton , Fifth-born child
Quentrell , Fifth-born child
Quincey , Fifth-born child
Quincy , Fifth-born child
Quint , Fifth-born child
Quinton , Fifth-born child
Quintrell , Fifth-born child
Rab , Bright – Famous
Rad , Red
Radbert , Red haired counselor
Radbourne , Lives by the red stream
Radburn , Lives by the red stream
Radburt , Red haired counselor
Radbyrne , Lives by the red stream
Radcliff , From the red cliff
Radcliffe , From the red cliff
Radclyf , From the red cliff
Radclyffe , From the red cliff
Radeliffe , From the red cliff
Radford , From the red cliff
Radley , From the red cliff
Radmund , Red haired defender
Radnor , From the red cliff
Radolf , Red wolf
Radolph , Red wolf
Rae , Doe
Raed , Red
Raedanoran , From the red shore
Raedburne , Lives by the red stream
Raedclyf , From the red cliff
Raedeman , Red haired horseman
Raedford , From the red ford
Raedleah , From the red meadow
Raedmund , Red haired defender
Raedpath , Lives near the red path
Raedwolf , Red wolf
Rafe , Wolf – Protector
Raff , Wolf
Raffi , Wolf
Raghnall , Strong Counselor-ruler
Ragnar , Wise leader
Rai , Doe
Raimund , Worthy protector
Raimundo , Worthy protector
Raleah , From the roe deer meadow
Raleich , Deer’s meadow
Raleigh , Dweller by the deer meadow
Raley , Dweller by the deer meadow
Ralf , Wolf
Rally , Dweller by the deer meadow
Ralph , Wolf
Ralston , Wolf
Ram , Ram
Ramm , Ram
Ramon , Worthy protector
Ramsay , Ram’s island
Ramsden , From the ram’s valley
Ramsey , Ram’s island
Ramzey , Ram’s island
Ramzi , Ram’s island
Rance , Son of the shield
Rand , Wolf – Protector
Randal , Wolf – Protector
Randale , Wolf – Protector
Randall , Wolf – Protector
Randel , Wolf – Protector
Randell , Wolf – Protector
Randkin , Little shield
Randolph , Wolf – Protector
Randon , Wolf – Protector
Randson , Son of Rand
Randy , Wolf – Protector
Rane , Strong counselor
Ranell , Strong counselor
Ranfield , From the raven’s field
Rang , Raven
Rangey , From raven’s island
Rangford , From the raven’s ford
Rangley , From the raven’s meadow
Rangy , From raven’s island
Rankin , Little shield
Ransden , Ram’s island
Ransford , Raven’s ford
Ransley , Raven’s meadow
Ransom , Little shield
Ransome , Son of the shield
Ranson , Son of the shield
Raoul , Wolf
Rapere , Maker of rope
Raul , Wolf
Raven , Raven
Ravi , Ravine
Ravinger , Ravine
Ravinia , Ravine
Rawgon , Son of Rawley or Raleigh
Rawiella , From the deer spring
Rawley , Dweller by the deer meadow
Rawling , Son of Rawley or Raleigh
Rawlings , Son of Rolfe
Rawlins , Son of Rolfe
Rawls , Dweller by the deer meadow
Rawly , Dweller by the deer meadow
Rawson , Son of Rolfe
Ray , Counselor
Rayburn , From the deer’s stream
Rayce , Counselor
Rayder , Counselor
Raydon , Counselor
Rayfield , From the deer’s stream
Rayford , Counselor
Rayhourne , From the deer’s stream
Rayhurn , From the deer’s stream
Raylen , Counselor
Raymond , Worthy protector
Raymund , Worthy protector
Rayne , Wise leader
Raynell , Worthy protector
Rayner , Wise leader
Raynor , Wise leader
Raynord , Wise leader
Read , Red haired
Reade , Red haired
Reading , Red haired
Readman , Red haired counselor
Reamonn , Worthy protector
Reave , Bailiff – Steward
Reaves , Son of Reeve
Redamann , Red haired counselor
Redd , From the red ford
Redding , From the red ford
Redfield , From the red ford
Redford , From the red ford
Redgrave , From the red ford
Redley , From the red meadow
Redman , From the red ford
Redmond , Red haired defender
Redmund , Red haired defender
Redwald , From the red ford
Reece , Enthusiastic
Reed , Red haired
Reeford , Red haired
Reese , Enthusiastic
Reeve , Bailiff – Steward
Reeves , Bailiff – Steward
Reg , Strong Counselor-ruler
Regenfrithu , Peaceful raven
Regenweald , Strong
Reggie , Strong Counselor-ruler
Reggy , Strong Counselor-ruler
Reginald , Strong Counselor-ruler
Regnauld , Strong Counselor-ruler
Reid , Red haired
Reinald , Strong Counselor-ruler
Reinhold , Strong Counselor-ruler
Reinwald , Strong Counselor-ruler
Rell , Thunderer
Remi , From the raven’s farm
Remington , From the raven’s farm
Remme , From the raven’s farm
Remmie , From the raven’s farm
Remmy , From the raven’s farm
Remo , From the raven’s farm
Remy , From the raven’s farm
Ren , Raven
Renato , Strong Counselor-ruler
Renault , Strong Counselor-ruler
Rendall , Wolf – Protector
Rendell , Wolf – Protector
Rene , Strong Counselor-ruler
Renfield , From the raven’s field
Renfred , Peaceful raven
Renfrid , Peaceful raven
Renshaw , From the raven forest
Renton , From the raven’s farm
Reod , Ruddy colored
Reve , Steward
Rexford , Chieftain – Ruler
Rexley , From the king’s meadow
Rexlord , From the king’s ford
Rexton , Chieftain – Ruler
Reyhurn , From the deer’s stream
Reynald , Counselor-ruler
Reynold , Strong Counselor-ruler
Reynolds , Strong Counselor-ruler
Rhodes , Lives near the crucifix
Ricadene , Lives in the ruler
Ricard , Powerful ruler
Ricardo , Powerful ruler
Rich , Wealthy
Richard , Powerful ruler
Richardson , Powerful ruler
Richart , Powerful ruler
Richerd , Powerful ruler
Richman , Powerful ruler
Richmond , Powerful ruler
Rick , Powerful ruler
Rickard , Powerful ruler
Ricker , Powerful ruler
Rickert , Powerful ruler
Rickey , Powerful ruler
Rickie , Powerful ruler
Rickman , Powerful ruler
Rickward , Powerful ruler
Ricky , Powerful ruler
Ricman , Powerful ruler
Ricweard , Powerful ruler
Rider , Horseman
Ridere , Horseman – Knight
Ridge , From the ridge
Ridgeiey , Lives at the meadow’s ridge
Ridgely , Lives at the meadow’s ridge
Ridgley , By the meadow’s edge
Ridley , Reed clearing – Cleared wood
Ridpath , Lives near the red path
Rigby , Valley of the ruler
Rigg , Lives near the ridge
Riggs , Son of Rigg
Rikkard , Strong ruler
Rikkert , Powerful ruler
Rikward , Strong guardian
Riley , Island meadow
Rinaldo , Strong Counselor-ruler
Ring , A ring
Riobard , Bright – Famous
Riocard , Powerful ruler
Rip , Dweller in the noisy meadow
Ripley , Dweller in the noisy meadow
Rishley , From the wild meadow
Risley , From the brushwood meadow
Riston , From the wild meadow
Ritchie , Powerful ruler
Roan , From the rowan tree
Rob , Bright – Famous
Robb , Bright – Famous
Robben , Bright – Famous
Robbie , Bright – Famous
Robbin , Bright – Famous
Robbins , Bright – Famous
Robby , Bright – Famous
Rober , Bright – Famous
Robert , Bright – Famous
Róbert , Bright – Famous
Roberto , Bright – Famous
Robertson , Bright – Famous
Robey , Bright – Famous
Robin , Bright – Famous
Robinson , Bright – Famous
Rocco , Powerful ruler
Roche , Rock fortress
Rochester , Rock fortress
Rocho , Rock fortress
Rock , Rock
Rocker , Rock fortress
Rockford , Rock
Rockland , Rock
Rockley , Rock fortress
Rockne , Rock fortress
Rockwell , Rock
Rocky , Rock
Rod , Famous ruler
Rodd , Famous ruler
Roddric , Famous ruler
Roddrick , Famous ruler
Roddy , Famous ruler
Roderic , Famous ruler
Roderick , Famous ruler
Roderik , Famous ruler
Rodes , Lives near the crucifix
Rodman , Famous ruler
Rodney , Famous ruler
Rodwell , Lives by the spring near the road
Roe , Deer
Roger , Famous spearman
Roland , Famous soldier
Rolando , Famous soldier
Roldan , Powerful – Mighty
Rolf , Wolf
Rolfe , Red wolf
Rollan , Famous soldier
Rolland , Famous soldier
Rollie , Famous soldier
Rollo , Famous soldier
Rolph , Wolf
Romney , From Romney
Ron , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronal , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronald , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronell , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronn , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronnell , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronnie , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronny , Powerful – Rules with counsel
Ronson , Son of Ronald
Rook , Raven
Roper , Maker of rope
Rosco , Heathland of the roe deer
Roscoe , Heathland of the roe deer
Rover , Wanderer
Rovere , Wanderer
Row , Deer
Rowan , From the rowan tree
Rowdy , Boisterous
Rowe , From the rowan tree
Rowell , From the rowan tree
Rowen , From the rowan tree
Rowland , Famous soldier
Rowley , From the rowan tree
Rowson , From the rowan tree
Roxbury , From the raven’s fortress
Royce , Royal
Royden , From the royal hill
Royse , Royal
Rubert , Bright – Famous
Ruck , Raven
Rudd , Ruddy colored
Ruddy , Ruddy colored
Rudy , From the rough enclosure
Rudyard , From the rough enclosure
Rufford , From the red ford
Ruford , From the red ford
Rufus , Red haired
Rugby , From the raven’s estate
Ruhdugeard , From the rough enclosure
Ruhleah , From the rough meadow
Rumford , From the wide ford
Rune , A rune
Rupert , Bright – Famous
Rush , Red haired
Rushford , Lives near the rush ford
Russ , Red haired
Russel , Red haired
Russell , Red haired
Rusti , Red haired
Rusty , Red haired
Rutherford , From the cattle ford
Ruthren , From the cattle ford
Rutledge , From the red pool
Rutley , From the root meadow
Rycroft , Dweller in the rye field
Ryder , Horseman
Rydge , From the ridge
Rye , Island meadow
Rygecroft , From the rye field
Rygeland , From the rye land
Rygemann , Rye merchant
Rylan , Dweller in the rye field
Ryland , Dweller in the rye field
Ryle , Dweller in the rye field
Ryleigh , Island meadow
Ryley , Island meadow
Ryman , Dweller in the rye field
Rypley , Dweller in the noisy meadow
Rysc , Rush
Ryscford , Lives near the rush ford
Ryton , Dweller in the rye field
Saebeorht , Glory at sea
Saeger , Seaman
Saelig , From the happy meadow
Saewald , Sea powerful
Saeweard , Sea guardian
Safford , From the willow ford
Sagar , Wise one
Sage , Wise one
Salford , From the willow ford
Salhdene , From the willow valley
Salhford , From the willow ford
Salhtun , Lives near the willow farm
Sallsbury , From the fortified keep
Salton , Lives near the willow farm
Sanborn , Dweller at the sandy ford
Sanbourne , From the sandy brook
Sander , Alexander’s son
Sanders , Alexander’s son
Sanderson , Alexander’s son
Sandford , Dweller at the sandy ford
Sandon , From the sandy hill
Sands , Alexander’s son
Sandy , Dweller at the sandy ford
Sanersone , Alexander’s son
Sanford , Dweller at the sandy ford
Santon , From the sandy farm
Saunders , Alexander’s son
Saunderson , Alexander’s son
Sawyer , Woodman
Sawyere , Saws wood
Sawyers , Son of Sawyer
Saxan , Sword
Saxon , Sword
Scadwiella , From the shed spring
Scaffeld , From the crooked field
Scandleah , From the loud meadow
Scandy , Boisterous
Sceapleigh , From the sheep meadow
Sceley , From the happy meadow
Scelftun , From the ledge farm
Schaddoc , Shad fish
Scirloc , Blond
Scirwode , From the bright forest
Scot , From Scotland – A Gael
Scott , From Scotland – A Gael
Scottas , From Scotland
Scottie , From Scotland – A Gael
Scotty , From Scotland – A Gael
Sea , Sea-glorious
Seabert , Glory at sea
Seabright , Glory at sea
Seabroc , From the brook by the sea
Seabrook , From the brook by the sea
Seaburt , Glory at sea
Seabury , Sea-glorious
Seadon , From the hill by the sea
Seager , Seaman
Sealey , From the happy meadow
Seaton , From the town by the sea
Seaward , Sea guardian
Seberg , Sea-glorious
Sebert , Glory at sea
Secg , Swordsman
Secgwic , From the sword grass place
Sedge , Swordsman
Sedgeley , From the swordsman’s meadow
Sedgewic , From the sword grass place
Sedgewick , From the sword grass place
Sedgewik , From the sword grass place
Seely , From the happy meadow
Seetin , From the farm by the sea
Seeton , From the town by the sea
Sefton , From Sefton
Segar , Seaman
Seger , Seaman
Selby , From the manor house
Selden , From the willow valley
Seldon , From the willow valley
Seleby , From the manor house
Selig , From the happy meadow
Selvyn , Mythological Greek god of trees
Selwin , Good friend
Selwine , Good friend
Selwyn , Good friend
Seton , From the town by the sea
Severin , Place name
Severn , Strict – Restrained
Severne , Strict – Restrained
Sewald , Sea powerful
Sewall , Sea powerful
Seward , Sea guardian
Sewell , Sea powerful
Seymour , Tailor
Shad , In the bible Shadrach was one of three young Hebrew men who survived being cast into a fiery furnace.
Shadd , In the bible Shadrach was one of three young Hebrew men who survived being cast into a fiery furnace.
Shaddoc , Shad fish
Shaddock , Shad fish
Shadoe , In the bible Shadrach was one of three young Hebrew men who survived being cast into a fiery furnace.
Shadwell , From the shed spring
Shandley , From the loud meadow
Shandy , Boisterous
Shattuck , Shad fish
Shaw , From the shady grove
Shawn , From the shady grove
Sheffield , From the crooked field
Shelby , From the manor house
Shelden , Deep valley
Sheldon , Protected hill
Shell , Clearing on a bank
Shelley , Clearing on a bank
Shelli , Clearing on a bank
Shelly , Clearing on a bank
Shelton , Protected hill
Shep , Shepherd
Shepard , Shepherd
Shepherd , Shepherd
Shepley , Shepherd
Sheply , From the sheep meadow
Sheppard , Shepherd
Sherborne , Wool cutter
Sherbourn , From the clear brook
Sherbourne , From the clear brook
Sherburne , From the clear brook
Sheridan , Bright
Sherlock , White-haired
Sherm , Wool cutter
Sherman , Wool cutter
Shermon , Wool cutter
Sherwin , Wool cutter
Sherwood , From the bright forest
Sherwyn , Swift
Shipley , From the deep meadow
Shipton , From the deep meadow
Sid , From St. Denis
Siddael , From the wide valley
Siddel , From the wide valley
Siddell , From the wide valley
Sidell , From the wide valley
Sidney , From St. Denis
Sidwell , From the broad well
Sigehere , Victorious
Silas , Forest – Woods
Silsby , From Sill’s farm
Silvano , Trees – Sylvan. See also Sylvester and .
Silvester , Trees – Sylvan
Simeon , One who listens
Simon , One who listens
Sinclair , St. Clair
Sinclaire , St. Clair
Sinjin , St. John
Skeat , Swift
Skeet , Swift
Skeeter , Swift
Skeets , Swift
Skelton , From the estate on the ledge
Skete , Swift
Sketes , Swift
Skipper , Captain
Skippere , Captain
Skipton , From the sheep estate
Sky , Sky – Sheltering
Skye , Place Name – Sky
Skyelar , Shield – Scholar
Skylar , Shield – Scholar
Skyler , Shield – Scholar
Skylor , Shield – Scholar
Slade , Child of the valley
Slaed , From the valley
Slaton , From the valley farm
Slayton , From the valley farm
Smedley , From the flat meadow
Smetheleah , From the flat meadow
Smith , Blacksmith
Smits , Blacksmith
Smitty , Blacksmith
Smyth , Blacksmith
Smythe , Blacksmith
Snow , From the snow-covered hill
Snowden , From the snow-covered hill
Snowdun , From the snow-covered hill
Somerset , From the summer settlers
Somerton , From the summer estate
Sonnie , Son
Sonny , Son
Southwell , From the south spring
Spalding , From the split meadow
Spark , Gallant
Sparke , Gallant
Spaulding , Divided field
Spear , Spear
Sped , Success
Speed , Success
Spelding , From the split meadow
Spence , Keeper of provisions
Spencer , Keeper of provisions
Spenser , Keeper of provisions
Spere , Spear
Spike , Long – Heavy nail
Sproul , Active
Sproule , Active
Sprowle , Active
Squier , Shieldbearer
Squire , Shieldbearer
St. Alban , From St. Alban
Stacey , Fruitful
Stacy , Fruitful
Staerling , Bird
Stafford , From the landing ford
Stamford , From the stony ford
Stan , Lives by the stony grove
Stanbeny , From the stone fortress
Stanberry , From the rocky meadow
Stanburh , From the stone fortress
Stanbury , From the rocky meadow
StancIyf , From the rocky diff
Stancliff , From the rocky diff
Standish , From the rocky meadow
Stanedisc , From the stony park
Stanfeld , From the stony field
Stanfield , From the rocky meadow
Stanford , From the rocky meadow
Stanhop , From the stony hollow
Stanhope , From the rocky meadow
Stanleigh , From the rocky meadow
Stanley , From the rocky meadow
Stanly , From the rocky meadow
Stanmore , From the rocky meadow
Stanton , From the rocky meadow
Stantun , From the stony farm
Stanway , From the rocky meadow
Stanweg , Lives by the stony road
Stanwic , From the stony village
Stanwick , From the rocky meadow
Stanwik , From the stony village
Stanwode , From the stony forest
Stanwood , From the stony forest
Stanwyck , From the rocky meadow
Stanwyk , From the stony village
Starbuck , Star deer
Starling , Bird
Starr , Star
Staunton , From the stony farm
Stearn , Serious-minded
Stearne , Serious-minded
Steathford , From the landing ford
Stedeman , Owns a farm
Stedman , Owns a farm
Steele , Hard – Durable
Stefford , Crown
Stefon , Crown
Stem , Austere
Stephen , Crown – Wreath
Stephenson , Crown – Wreath
Stephon , Crown – Wreath
Sterling , Pure – Genuine – Valued
Sterlyn , Pure – Genuine – Valued
Stern , Serious-minded
Sterne , Serious-minded
Stevan , Crown – Wreath
Steve , Crown
Steven , Crown – Wreath
Stevenson , Crown – Wreath
Stevie , Crown
Stevon , Crown – Wreath
Stevyn , Crown – Wreath
Steward , Bailiff
Stewart , Bailiff
Stewert , Bailiff
Stigols , Stiles
Stiles , Stiles
Stilleman , Quiet
Stillman , Quiet
Stillmann , Quiet
Stirling , Pure – Genuine – Valued
Stoc , From the tree stump
Stock , From the tree stump
Stockley , From the tree stump meadow
Stockman , From the tree stump meadow
Stockton , From the tree stump meadow
Stockwell , From the tree stump spring
Stocleah , From the tree stump meadow
Stocwiella , From the tree stump spring
Stod , Horse
Stodd , Horse
Stoddard , Keeper of the horses – Steward
Stok , From the tree stump
Stoke , From the village
Stokley , From the tree stump meadow
Stoner , Stone
Stoney , Stone
Storm , Tempest
Storme , Tempest
Stowe , Place name
Strang , Powerful
Stratford , From the river ford – On the street
Strod , From the thicket
Strong , Powerful
Stroud , From the thicket
Stroude , From the thicket
Stuart , Bailiff
Studs , A home
Sty]es , Stiles
Suffield , From the south field
Sully , From the south meadow
Sumernor , Summoner
Sumerton , From the summer estate
Sumertun , From the summer estate
Sumner , Summoner
Sunday , Bright disposition – Cheerful
Sunnee , Bright disposition – Cheerful
Sunnie , Bright disposition – Cheerful
Sunny , Bright disposition – Cheerful
SutcIyf , From the south cliff
Sutcliff , From the south cliff
Suthclif , From the south cliff
Suthfeld , From the south field
Suthleah , From the south meadow
Suthley , From the south meadow
Suttecliff , From the south cliff
Sutton , From the south farm
Suzanna , Lily
Swain , Knight’s attendant
Swaine , Knight’s attendant
Swayn , Knight’s attendant
Swayne , Knight’s attendant
Swayze , Knight’s attendant
Swinton , From the swine farm
Swintun , From the swine farm
Syd , From the city of St. Denis
Sydell , From the wide valley
Sydney , From the city of St. Denis
Sylvanus , Forest – Woods
Sylvester , Trees – Sylvan
Symington , From Simon’s estate
Symon , One who listens
Symontun , From Simon’s estate
Tab , Drummer
Tabbert , Drummer
Tabby , Drummer
Taber , Drummer
Tabor , Drummer
Taburer , Drummer
Tad , One of Christ’s 12 apostles
Tadd , One of Christ’s 12 apostles
Tahurer , Drummer
Tai , Enclosed
Tailor , Tailor
Tain , River
Tait , Cheerful
Tal , Tall
Talbert , Tall
Talbot , Tall
Talbott , Tall
Talford , Tall
Tallon , Tall
Talmadge , Tall
Talon , Claw
Tamtun , From the quiet river farm
Tanner , Leather maker
Tannere , Leather maker
Tanton , From the quiet river farm
Tarleton , From the thunder estate
Taron , Earthman
Tarrence , Roman clan name
Tarrin , Earthman
Tassa , Born at Christmas
Tate , Cheerful – Brings joy
Tay , Tailor
Taylan , Tailor
Tayler , Tailor
Taylon , Tailor
Taylor , Tailor
Tayson , Tailor
Tayt , Cheerful
Tayte , Cheerful
Tearle , Stem
Ted , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Tedd , Gift of God
Teddie , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Teddy , Guardian of prosperity – Guardian of the mists
Tedman , Gift of God
Tedmond , National protector
Tedmund , National protector
Tedric , Gift of God
Tedrick , Gift of God
Tem , County
Tempeltun , From the temple farm
Temple , Temple-town
Templeton , Temple-town
Tennessee , Son of Dennis
Tennison , Son of Dennis
Tenny , Son of Dennis
Tennyson , Son of Dennis
Terell , Powerful
Terence , Roman clan name
Terika , Saint’s name
Terrall , Powerful
Terran , Earthman
Terrance , Roman clan name
Terrel , Thunderer
Terrell , Thunder ruler
Terrelle , Powerful
Terrence , Roman clan name
Terrill , Thunder ruler
Terrin , Earthman
Terris , Son of Terrell
Terron , Earthman
Terry , Roman clan name
Terrys , Son of Terrell
Teryysone , Son of Terrell
Teyen , From the enclosure
Thacher , Roofer
Thacker , Roofer
Thackere , Roofer
Thaddeus , One of Christ’s 12 apostles
Thain , Follower
Thane , Follower
Thatcher , Roofer
Thaw , Thaw
Thawain , Thaw
Thaxter , Roofer
Thayne , Follower
Thearl , Stem
Theomund , National protector
Theyn , Follower
Thom , Twin
Thomdic , From the thorny dike
Thomkins , Little Tom
Thompson , Twin
Thorald , From Thor’s meadow
Thoraldtun , From the thunder estate
Thorbert , From Thor’s meadow
Thorburn , From Thor’s meadow
Thorley , From Thor’s meadow
Thormond , From Thor’s meadow
Thormund , Thor’s protection
Thorn , Town of thorns
Thorndike , From the thorny dike
Thorndyke , Thorn tree
Thorne , Thorn tree
Thornley , Thorn tree
Thornly , From the thorny meadow
Thornton , Thorn tree
Thorntun , From the thorn tree farm
Thorp , From the village
Thorpe , From the village
Thrythwig , Strong warrior
Thunder , Stormy tempered
Thurber , From Thor’s meadow
Thurhloew , From Thor’s hill
Thurleah , From Thor’s meadow
Thurleigh , From Thor’s meadow
Thurlow , From Thor’s meadow
Thurman , From Thor’s meadow
Thurmon , From Thor’s meadow
Thurmond , From Thor’s meadow
Thurstan , Thor’s stone
Thurston , Thor’s stone
Thurstun , Thor’s stone
Tianna , Prince
Tie , Tailor
Tiegh , Enclosed
Tiffney , Appearance of God
Tigh , Enclosed
Tighe , Enclosed
Tila , Good
Tiladene , From the fertile valley
Tilden , From the fertile valley
Tilford , From the fertile ford
Tillman , Virile
Tilman , Virile
Tilton , From the good estate
Tim , One who honors God
Timmy , One who honors God
Timon , One who honors God
Timothy , One who honors God
Tine , River
Tirell , Thunderer
Tito , Bright – Famous
Tobey , Goodness of God
Tobiah , Jah is good.
Tobie , Goodness of God
Tobin , Goodness of God
Toby , Goodness of God
Tobyn , Goodness of God
Tod , Fox – Clever – Wily
Todd , Fox – Clever – Wily
Toft , From the small farm
Toland , Owns taxed land
Tolland , Owns taxed land
Tolman , Collects taxes
Tom , Twin
Tomkin , Little Tom
Tomlin , Little Tom
Tommy , Twin
Tompkin , Little Tom
Tony , Highly praiseworthy
Torey , From the rocky hills – Watchtower
Torley , From Thor’s meadow
Torn , From the thom tree
Torold , From Thor’s meadow
Torr , Tower
Torrey , From the rocky hills – Watchtower
Torsten , Little Tom
Tory , From the rocky hills – Watchtower
Tostig , Name of an earl
Toukere , Tucker of doth
Tournour , Lather worker
Towley , From the town meadow
Towne , From the end of the town
Townes , From the end of the town
Townley , From the end of the town
Townly , From the town meadow
Townsend , From the end of the town
Trace , From Thracia
Tracy , From Thracia
Tramaine , From the big town
Tranter , Wagon driver
Traveon , Fair town
Travion , Fair town
Travis , Crossing – Crossroads
Travon , Fair town
Tray , Third born
Treadway , Strong warrior
Tredway , Strong warrior
Tremain , From the big town
Tremaine , From the big town
Tremayne , From the big town
Trent , Dweller by the river Trent
Trenten , Dweller by the river Trent
Trentin , Dweller by the river Trent
Trenton , Dweller by the river Trent
Treowbrycg , From the tree bridge
Treowe , Loyal
Treoweman , Loyal
Trevan , Fair town
Treven , Fair town
Trevian , Fair town
Trevion , Fair town
Trevls , Place name
Trevon , Fair town
Trevonn , Fair town
Trevyn , Fair town
Trey , Third born
Trip , Traveler
Tripp , Traveler
Tripper , Traveler
Trista , Outcry
Tristan , Outcry
Tristen , Outcry
Tristian , Outcry
Tristin , Outcry
Troi , The city of Troy
Trowbrydge , From the tree bridge
Trowhridge , From the tree bridge
Troy , The city of Troy
Troye , The city of Troy
True , Disciple – Loyal
Trueman , Disciple – Loyal
Truesdale , Disciple – Loyal
Truesdell , From the beloved one’s farm
Truitestall , From the beloved one’s farm
Truman , Disciple – Loyal
Trumbald , Strong – Brave
Trumble , Strong – Brave
Trumen , Disciple – Loyal
Trumhall , Strong – Brave
Tryp , Traveler
Trypp , Traveler
Tuck , Tailor
Tucker , Tailor
Tuckere , Tucker of doth
Tuckman , Tailor
Tunleah , From the town meadow
Tupper , Ram herder
Tuppere , Ram herder
Turner , Carpenter
Twain , Two pieces
Twein , Cut in two
Twiford , From the double river ford
Twitchel , Lives on a narrow passage
Twitchell , Lives on a narrow passage
Twyford , From the double river ford
Tyce , Fiery
Tye , Enclosed
Tyeson , Fiery
Tyesone , Son of Tye
Tyfiell , Scandinavian god of battle
Tyg , From the enclosure
Tyla , Good
Tyler , Tiler – Roofer
Tylere , Tiler – Roofer
Tylor , Tiler – Roofer
Tynan , Enclosed
Tyne , River
Tyreece , Scandinavian god of battle
Tyrel , Scandinavian god of battle
Tyrell , Thunderer
Tyrelle , Scandinavian god of battle
Tyrus , Person from Tyre
Tyson , Son of Tye
Udale , From the yew tree valley
Udall , From the yew tree valley
Udayle , From the yew tree valley
Udell , From the yew tree valley
Udolf , Wolf ruler
Udolph , Wealthy wolf
Ulfred , Wolf of peace
Ulger , Wolf ruler
Ull , Wolf ruler
Ullock , Wolf sport
Ullok , Wolf sport
Ulmar , Famous wolf
Ulmarr , Famous wolf
Ulric , Wolf ruler
Ulrich , Wolf ruler
Ulrick , Wolf ruler
Ulu , Wolf ruler
Ulvelaik , Wolf sport
Unwin , Unfriendly
Unwine , Unfriendly
Unwyn , Unfriendly
Upchurch , From the upper church
Upshaw , From the upper town
Upton , From the upper town
Uptun , From the upper farm
Upwode , From the upper forest
Upwood , From the upper forest
Usbeorn , Divine warrior
Vail , Lives in the valley
Val , Strong
Vale , Lives in the valley
Valen , Strong
Valentine , Strong
Valiant , Brave
Vallen , Strong
Vance , Dweller at the windmill
Vannes , Grain fans
Vareck , From the fortress
Varek , From the fortress
Varik , From the fortress
Vayle , Lives in the valley
Vern , From the alder grove – Spring-like
Verne , From the alder grove – Spring-like
Vernon , From the alder grove – Spring-like
Vidal , Life
Videl , Life
Vince , Conqueror
Vincent , Conqueror
Vingon , Son of Vinn
Vinn , Conqueror
Vinnie , Conqueror
Vinson , Conqueror
Vinsone , Son of Vinn
Virgil , Flourishing
Vruyk , From the fortress
Wacfeld , From Wake’s field
Wacian , Alert
Wacleah , From Wake’s meadow
Wacuman , Watchman
Wada , Advancer
Wadanhyll , From the advancer’s hill
Wade , A ford
Wadley , A ford
Wadsworth , From Wade’s estate
Waed , Advancer
Waefreleah , From the quaking aspen tree meadow
Waer , Wary
Waerheall , From the true man’s manor
Waeringawicum , Fortress
Waescburne , From the flooding brook
Waggoner , Wagon maker
Wain , Craftsman
Wainwright , Wagon maker
Wait , Guard
Waite , Guard
Wake , Alert
Wakefield , From Wake’s field
Wakeley , From Wake’s meadow
Wakeman , Watchman
Wakler , Thickener of cloth
Walbridge , From the Welshman’s bridge
Walbrydge , From the Welshman’s bridge
Walby , From the Welshman’s dwellings
Walcot , Old cottage
Walcott , Old cottage
Walden , From the Welshman’s valley
Waldo , Divinely powerful
Waldon , From the Welshman’s hill
Waldron , From the Welshman’s hill
Waleis , From Wales
Walford , From the Welshman’s ford
Walker , Cloth worker
Wallace , Welshman
Wallach , Welshman
Wallas , Welshman
Waller , Mason
Wallie , Welshman
Wallis , Welshman
Wally , Welshman
Walsh , Welshman
Walton , Mason
Walworth , From the Welshman’s farm – Welsh friend
Walwyn , Welsh friend
Wanrrick , Fortress
Ward , Guardian
Warde , Guardian
Wardell , Guardian
Warden , Guardian
Wardley , Guardian
Ware , Wary
Wareine , Game warden
Warfield , Guardian
Warford , Guardian
Warin , Game warden
Warleigh , From the weir meadow
Warley , Guardian
Warmond , Guardian
Warner , Defender – Guard
Warren , Game warden
Warrener , Game warden
Warrick , Fortress
Warton , Guardian
Wartun , From the farm by the weir
Warwick , Guardian
Warwyk , Fortress
Wasdsorth , A ford
Washbourne , From the flooding brook
Washburn , From the flooding brook
Washburne , From the flooding brook
Washington , From the wise man’s estate
Wat , Hurdle
Watelford , From the hurdle ford
Watford , From the hurdle ford
Watkins , Son of Walter
Watson , Son of Walter
Watt , Son of Walter
Wattekinson , Son of Walter
Wattesone , Son of Walter
Wattikinson , Son of Walter
Wattkins , Son of Walter
Watts , Son of Walter
Wattson , Son of Walter
Waverly , From the tree-lined meadow
Way , From the path land
Wayde , Angel from God
Waydee , Angel from God
Waydell , Angel from God
Waylan , Angel from God
Wayland , Angel from God
Waylin , Angel from God
Waylon , Angel from God
Wayne , Wagon maker
Wayte , Guard
Wealaworth , From the Welshman’s farm – Welsh friend
Weallcot , Lives in the Welshman’s cottage
Weallere , Mason
Weard , Guard
Weardhyll , From the guardian’s hill
Weardleah , From the guardian’s meadow
Weatherby , From the wether sheep farm
Weatherly , From the wether sheep meadow
Webb , Weaver
Webbe , Weaver
Webbeleah , From the weaver’s meadow
Webbestre , Weaver
Weber , Weaver
Webley , Weaver
Webster , Weaver
Weddell , From the advancer’s hill
Wegland , From the land by the highway
Weifield , From the field by the weir
Weiford , From the farm by the weir
Weirley , From the weir meadow
Welborn , From the spring brook
Welborne , Lives by the spring
Welburn , From the spring brook
Welby , Lives by the spring
Welch , Welshman
Welcome , Welcome
Weldon , Lives by the spring
Welford , Lives by the spring
Weller , Lives by the spring
Welles , Lives by the spring
Wellington , From the wealthy estate
Wells , Lives by the spring
Welsh , Welshman
Welton , Lives by the spring
Wendale , Traveler – Wanderer
Wendall , Traveler – Wanderer
Wendell , Traveler – Wanderer
Wendlesora , From Windsor
Wentworth , From the white one’s estate
Weolingtun , From the wealthy estate
Weorth , From the farm
Wes , From the west meadow
Wesley , From the west meadow
Wess , From the west meadow
Wessely , From the west meadow
Wessley , From the west meadow
West , From the west
Westbroc , From the west brook
Westbrook , From the west
Westby , From the west
Westcot , From the west cottage
Westcott , From the west
Westen , West town
Westin , West town
Westleah , From the west meadow
Westleigh , From the west
Westley , From the west meadow
Weston , From the west
Westun , From the west
Wetherby , From the wether sheep farm
Wetherly , From the wether sheep meadow
Wethrby , From the wether sheep farm
Wethrleah , From the wether sheep meadow
Weyland , From the land by the highway
Wharton , From the estate at the hollow
Wheatley , From the wheat meadow
Wheaton , Wheat town
Wheeler , Wheel maker
Whistler , Piper
Whit , White
Whitby , White
Whitcomb , White
White , White
Whitelaw , White
Whitey , White
Whitfield , White
Whitford , White
Whitlaw , From the white hill
Whitley , White
Whitlock , White
Whitman , White
Whitmoor , From the white moor
Whitmore , White
Whitney , From the white haired man’s estate
Whittaker , White
Whytlok , Blond
Wiatt , Guide
Wiccum , From the village meadow
Wichamm , From the village meadow
Wichell , From the bend in the road
Wickam , From the village meadow
Wickley , From the village meadow
Wicleah , From the village meadow
Wiellaburne , From the spring brook
Wiellaby , From the spring farm
Wielladun , From the spring hill
Wiellaford , From the spring by the ford
Wiellatun , From the spring farm
Wigmaere , Famous in battle
Wigman , Warrior
Wilber , Willful – Bright
Wilbert , Willful – Bright
Wilbur , From the strong fortress
Wilburn , Willful – Bright
Wilburt , Willful – Bright
Wildon , From the wooded hill
Wiley , Enchanting
Wilford , From the willow ford – Desires peace
Wilfred , Peace
Wilfredo , Desires peace
Wilfrid , Peace
Wilfried , Peace
Wilfryd , Peace
Will , Resolute protector
Willa , Resolute
Willaburh , From the strong fortress
Willard , Resolute – Brave
Willesone , Son of William
Willhard , Resolute – Brave
William , Resolute protector
Williams , Son of William
Williamson , Son of William
Willie , Resolute protector
Willis , Resolute protector
Willoughby , From the willow farm
Willow , Willow tree
Willy , Resolute protector
Wilmer , Resolute – Famous
Wilson , Son of Will
Wilton , From the farm by the spring
Win , Peaceful friend
Wincel , From the bend in the road
Winchell , From Windsor
Windell , Traveler – Wanderer
Windgate , From the winding gate
Windham , The field with the winding path
Windsor , From Windsor
Wine , Friend
Winefield , From a friend’s field
Winefrith , Friend of peace
Winetorp , From Wine’s estate
Winfield , From Windsor
Winfred , From Windsor
Winfrey , From Windsor
Winfrid , Friend of peace
Winfrith , Friend of peace
Wingate , From Windsor
Winifred , Peaceful friend
Winn , Peaceful friend
Winni , Peaceful friend
Winnie , Peaceful friend
Winny , Peaceful friend
Winslow , From Windsor
Winslowe , From Windsor
Winsor , From Windsor
Winston , Joy stone – Victory town
Winswode , From Wine’s forest
Wintanweorth , From the white one’s estate
Winter , Born in the winter
Winters , Born in the winter
Winthorp , From Wine’s estate
Winthrop , From Windsor
Winton , From Windsor
Winward , From Windsor
Winwodem , From Wine’s forest
Winwood , From Wine’s forest
Wireceaster , From the alder forest army camp
Witt , Wise
Witta , Wise
Wittahere , Wise wamor
Wittatun , From the wise man’s estate
Witter , Wise wamor
Witton , From the wise man’s estate
Wodeleah , From the wooded meadow
Wolcott , Lives in Wolfe’s cottage
Wolf , Wolf
Wolfcot , Lives in Wolfe’s cottage
Wolfe , Wolf
Woodie , Forester – Row of houses by a wood
Woodley , From the wooded meadow
Woodman , Hunter
Woodrow , Forester – Row of houses by a wood
Woodruff , Forester – Row of houses by a wood
Woodward , Forester – Row of houses by a wood
Woody , Forester – Row of houses by a wood
Woolcott , Lives in Wolfe’s cottage
Woolsey , Victorious wolf
Worcester , From the alder forest army camp
Worden , Defender – Guard
Wordsworth , World guardian
Worrell , From the true man’s manor
Worth , From the farm
Worton , From the vegetable farm
Wray , Worthy protector
Wright , Craftsman – Carpenter
Wryhta , Craftsman
Wudoweard , Forester
Wulf , Wolf
Wulfcot , Lives in Wolfe’s cottage
Wulffrith , Wolf of peace
Wulfgar , Wolf spear
Wulfsige , Victorious wolf
Wulfweardsweorth , World guardian
Wyatt , Little warrior
WycIyf , From the white cliff
Wycliff , From the white cliff
Wyeth , Little warrior
WyIfrid , Friend of peace
WyIltun , From the farm by the spring
Wylie , Enchanting
Wyligby , From the willow farm
Wylingford , From the willow ford – Desires peace
Wyman , Warrior
Wymer , Famous in battle
Wyn , Peaceful friend
Wyndam , The field with the winding path
Wyndell , Friend
Wyndham , From the windy viIlage
Wyne , Friend
Wynfield , From a friend’s field
Wynfrith , Friend of peace
Wynn , Friend
Wynston , From Wine’s estate
Wynter , Born in the winter
Wynthrop , From Wine’s estate
Wynton , From Windsor
Wynward , From Wine’s forest
Wynwode , From Wine’s forest
Wyrttun , From the vegetable farm
Wyth , From the willow tree
Wythe , From the willow tree
Yael , From the slope land
Yale , From the slope land
Yardley , From the enclosed meadow
Yardly , From the enclosed meadow
Yates , Gatekeeper
Yeoman , Retainer
Yoman , Retainer
Yorick , From the farm of yew trees
York , From the farm of yew trees
Yul , Born at Christmas
Yule , Born at Christmas
Zach , Remembered by God
Zachary , Remembered by God
Zack , Remembered by God
Zackary , Remembered by God
Zackery , Remembered by God
Zain , God is merciful
Zaine , God is merciful
Zak , Remembered by God
Zakari , Remembered by God
Zakary , Remembered by God
Zander , Protector of mankind
Zane , God is merciful
Zayne , God is merciful