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Baby Names
We have over 28,000 of the best and most interesting baby names from the US and around the world with their meanings so if you are looking for a great name for your baby you are in the right place.
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Here is a list of Spanish boy names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”] Name,Meaning Aba
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Here is a list of Slavic boy names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”] Name,Meaning Alena
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Here is a list of Slavic boy names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”] Name,Meaning
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Here is a list of Shakespearian girl names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]
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Here is a list of Shakespearian boy names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]
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Here is a list of Scottish girl names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”] Name,Meaning
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Here is a list of Scottish boy names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”] Name,Meaning
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Here is a list of Scandinavian girl names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]
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Here is a list of Scandinavian boy names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]
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Here is a list of Russian girl names along with their meanings. [table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”] Name,Meaning
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