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Arthurian Legend Girl Names

Here is a list of Arthurian Legend girl names along with their meanings.

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Acheflow , White flower
Ade , A mistress of Lancelot
Albiona , White
Angharad , A love of Peredur
Angharat , A love of Peredur
Anglides , Mother of Alexandre
Anna , Arthur’s sister
Argante , Name of a queen
Astolat , Lady of Shalott who kills herself for the love of Lancelot
Avalon , Arthur’s burial place
Avaron , Arthur’s burial place
Avarona , Arthur’s burial place
Avilon , Arthur’s burial place
Bedegrayne , Name of a castle
Belakane , An African queen
Blancheflor , White flower
Blancheflour , White flower
Branwen , Daughter of Llyr
Branwyn , Daughter of Llyr
Camelot , Arthur’s castle
Chelinda , Tristan’s grandmother
Chelinde , Tristan’s grandmother
Clarine , Mother of Lancelot
Clarissant , Sister of Gawain
Condwiramurs , Wife of Percival
Cotovatre , Name of a lake
Creiddyladl , Daughter of Llud
Cundrie , Woman who condemns Percival
Cundry , Woman who condemns Percival
Elaine , Mother of Lancelot
Elayne , Mother of Lancelot
Elizabeth , Sister of Mark
Elsa , Rescued by Percival
Enid , Faithful – Abused wife
Enide , Faithful – Abused wife
Enite , Faithful – Abused wife
Enygeus , Grandmotber of Percival
Ettard , Lover of Pelleas
Ettare , Lover of Pelleas
Galiene , A lady
Ganieda , Merlin’s sister
Graine , Taken from Igraine
Grainne , Taken from Igraine
Grisandole , A princess who dresses as a man
Guanhamara , Arthur’s queen
Guanhumora , Arthur’s queen
Guenevere , Arthur’s queen
Guenloie , Arthur’s queen
Guinevere , Arthur’s queen
Gvenour , Arthur’s queen
Gwenddydd , Merlin’s sister
Gwendolen , Arthur’s wife
Gwendoloena , Merlin’s wife
Gwenevere , Arthur’s queen
Gwenhwyfach , Guinevere’s sister
Helsin , Mother of Lancelot
Herzeloyde , Percival’s mother
Iblis , Wife of Lancelot
Igerne , Mother of Arthur
Igraine , Mother of Arthur
Igrayne , Arthur’s mother
Isolde , Lover of Tristan
Isoud , Lover of Tristan
Isoude , Lover of Tristan
Jenifer , Arthur’s queen
Jennifer , Arthur’s queen
Kay , A knight
Laudine , A widow
Lausanne , Lake Geneva
Lidoine , Daughter of Cavalon
Llamrei , Arthur’s horse
Luned , Servant of Laudine
Lunet , Servant of Laudine
Lunete , Servant of Laudine
Lynelle , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynessa , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynet , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynette , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynley , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynna , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynne , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynnet , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lynnette , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lyones , Wife of Gareth
Lyonesse , Wife of Gareth
Lyonet , Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.
Lyonors , Mother of Boore
Lysanor , Mother of Boore
Margawse , Mother of Gawain
Matilda , Mother of Merlin
Modron , A goddess and possible precursor of Morgan le Fey
Morcades , Sister of Arthur
Morgan , Enchantress half sister of Arthur
Morgana , Enchantress half sister of Arthur
Morgawse , Mother of Gawain
Morguase , Mother of Gawain
Nimiane , The Lady of the Lake
Nimue , The Lady of the Lake
Nineve , The Lady of the Lake
Nyneve , The Lady of the Lake
Olwyn , Daughter of a giant
Orguelleuse , An arrogant lady
Pridwyn , Name of Arthur’s ship
Prydwyn , Name of Arthur’s ship
Quinevere , Arthur’s queen
Ragnall , Gawain’s wife
Saveage , Sister of Lyones
Sebille , A fairy
Shalott , Land of Astolet
Sigune , Percival’s cousin
Soredamors , Gawain’s sister
Tryamon , A fairy princess
Viviane , The Lady of the Lake
Vivien , The Lady of the Lake
Wenhaver , Arthur’s queen
Ygeme , Mother of Arthur
Ygraine , Arthur’s mother
Ysolde , Lover of Tristan
