Celtic Boy Names

Here is a list of Celtic boy names along with their meanings.
[table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]Name,Meaning
Adalardo , Noble
Adelardo , Noble
Ahearn , Lord of the horses
Alain , Cheerful – Noble
Alan , Cheerful – Noble
Alano , Cheerful – Noble
Alart , Noble
Allan , Cheerful – Noble
Allen , Cheerful – Noble
Ammon , The hidden
Amon , The hidden
Angus , Superb – Unique
Arland , Pledge – Vow
Arleigh , Pledge – Vow
Arlen , Pledge – Vow
Arles , Pledge – Vow
Arlie , Pledge – Vow
Arliss , Pledge – Vow
Arlo , Pledge – Vow
Arly , Pledge – Vow
Arlyss , Pledge – Vow
Arthie , Noble – Follower of Thor
Arthur , Noble – Follower of Thor
Artu , Noble – Follower of Thor
Arturo , Noble – Follower of Thor
Arty , Noble – Follower of Thor
Arwin , Young Prince
Ba , Spear thrower – Marksman
Baird , Bard
Bairrfhionn , Marksman
Bar , Spear thrower – Marksman
Bard , Bart
Barden , Bart
Bardon , Bart
Bari , Spear thrower – Marksman
Barie , Spear thrower – Marksman
Barra , Marksman
Barrie , Spear thrower – Marksman
Barris , Spear thrower – Marksman
Barry , Spear thrower – Marksman
Barrymore , Spear thrower – Marksman
Beacan , Small – Little one
Beagan , Small – Little one
Bearacb , Marksman
Bearcban , Marksman
Becan , Small
Bendigeidfran , Name of a king
Bevan , Young soldier – Son of Evan
Bevin , Young soldier – Son of Evan
Bevis , Son of Evan
Bevyn , Young soldier – Son of Evan
Blaine , Thin – Lean
Blainey , Slender
Blair , From the plain
Blane , Thin – Lean
Blayne , Slender
Blayney , Slender
Boden , Blond
Body , Blond
Bowden , Blond
Bowdyn , Blond
Bowen , Son of Owen
Bowyn , Son of Owen
Boyd , Blond
Boyden , Blond
Boynton , From the white river
Bram , Raven
Bran , Raven
Brandan , Sword
Brann , Raven
Brarn , Raven
Brasil , Battle
Brazil , Strong – Brave
Breanainn , Sword
Breandan , Sword
Bredon , Sword
Brendan , Raven
Brendt , Hilltop
Brennan , Raven
Brent , Hilltop
Brenten , Hilltop
Brentley , Hilltop
Brently , Hilltop
Brenton , Hilltop
Bressal , Battle
Bret , A native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Brett , A native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Bretton , A native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Briac , Estime
Brian , Strong
Briand , Strong
Briant , Strong
Bric , Swift – Quick-moving
Brice , Swift – Quick-moving
Brick , Swift – Quick-moving
Brickand , Swift – Quick-moving
Bricriu , The poison tongued
Brieg , Estime
Brien , He ascends
Brigg , Swift – Quick-moving
Brion , He ascends
Broin , Raven
Bryan , Strong
Bryant , Strong
Bryce , Swift – Quick-moving
Bssil , Battle
Burgess , Choice
Cachamwri , Mythical servant of Arthur
Cade , Pure
Cadell , Warring
Cadman , Fighter
Caedmon , Wise warrior
Cahal , Strong in battle
Cairbre , Charioteer
Calder , From the stony river
Calum , Dove
Camero , Crooked nose
Cameron , Crooked nose
Camey , Crooked nose
Camlin , Crooked line
Caoimhghin , Gentle
Car , Fighter
Caradoc , Dearly loved
Carbry , Charioteer
Carden , From the black fortress
Cardew , From the black fortress
Care , Father’s dark child
Carew , From the fortress
Carey , From the fortress
Carney , Fighter
Carr , Fighter
Carrington , Place name
Carrol , Champion
Carroll , Champion
Cary , Honest one – Shy
Casey , Brave – Watchful
Cathair , Fighter
Cathal , Strong in battle
Cathaoir , Fighter
Celyddon , Mythical father of Culhwch
Chad , Defence
Clan , Offspring of red-headed soldier
Clancey , Offspring of red-headed soldier
Clancy , Offspring of red-headed soldier
Clust , Mythical son of Clustfeinad
Clustfeinad , Mythical father of Clust
Coalan , Slender
Cocidius , Mythical hunter God
Codie , Assistant – A cushion – Helpful
Cody , Assistant – A cushion – Helpful
Coinneach , Handsome
Colin , Youth – Child
Collin , Youth – Child
Collins , Youth – Child
Con , Knowledgable – Wise
Conal , High – Mighty
Conall , Strong in battle
Conan , Knowledgable – Wise
Conant , Knowledgable – Wise
Conchobar , Mythical hero
Condan , Dark haired wise man
Condon , Dark haired wise man
Conn , Knowledgable – Wise
Connal , High – Mighty
Connell , Strong in battle
Conner , Desire – Wise aid – Hound lover
Conners , Desire – Wise aid – Hound lover
Connla , Mythical son of Conn
Connor , Desire – Wise aid – Hound lover
Conor , Desire – Wise aid – Hound lover
Conroy , Persistent – Perseverance
Conway , Hound of the plains
Corann , Mythical druid
Corey , Raven – From the hollow
Cormac , Charioteer
Correy , Raven – From the hollow
Corrie , Raven – From the hollow
Corry , Raven – From the hollow
Cory , Raven – From the hollow
Cradawg , Mythical son of Bran
Craig , From near the crag
Cuchulain , Mythical Hound of Ulster
Cuinn , Knowledgable – Wise
Culain , Mythical smith
Culann , Mythical smith
Cullen , Young animal – Handsome
Culley , Young animal – Handsome
Cullin , Young animal – Handsome
Custennin , Mythical giant
Dallas , Dwells by the waterfall
Daman , Demon
Darcy , Dark
Dearg , Son of Daghda
Dermot , Free of envy
Derry , Great lover – An ancient hero
Des , Man of the world
Desi , Man of the world
Desmond , Man of the world
Devin , Poet
Devyn , Poet
Dewain , Song
Dillion , Faithful
Dinsmore , From the hill fort
Domhnall , Stranger
Don , Dark stranger
Donaghy , Strong warrior
Donahue , A brave black man
Donal , Stranger
Donald , Dark stranger
Donall , Stranger
Donat , Stranger
Donnally , Brave
Donnchadh , Strong warrior
Donnel , A brave black man
Donnell , A brave black man
Donnelly , A brave black man
Donner , A brave black man
Donogb , Strong warrior
Donovan , A brave black man
Donovon , A brave black man
Doran , Stranger
Dorran , Stranger
Dosne , From the sandy hill
Dougal , Dark stranger
Dough , Dark faced – Baker
Doughal , Dark stranger
Doughlas , Dwells by the dark stream
Douglas , Dwells by the dark stream
Doy , Dark stranger
Doyle , Dark stranger
Drea , Loving male
Drem , Mythical son of Dremidydd
Driscol , Interpreter
Driscoll , Interpreter
Driskell , Interpreter
Druce , Wise
Drudwyn , Mythical Mabon’s dog
Drummond , Lives on the hill top
Duane , Dark – From the dunes
Dubv , Dark faced
Duer , Hero
Duff , Dark faced – Baker
Duffy , Dark faced
Dughall , Dark stranger
Duke , Leader of the seas
Dun , Dark skinned warrior
Dunc , Dark skinned warrior
Duncan , Dark skinned warrior
Dunham , Dark skinned warrior
Dunn , Brown
Dunne , Brown
Duwayne , Dark – From the dunes
Dwain , Dark – From the dunes
Dwaine , Dark – From the dunes
Dwane , Dark – From the dunes
Dwayne , Dark – From the dunes
Dyfed , From Dyfed
Ea , Fire
Eammon , The hidden
Eamon , The hidden
Eburscon , Lives near the yew tree estate
Edan , Fire
Edmund , The hidden
Efnisien , Mythical son of Euroswydd
Egan , Ardent – Little fire
Eghan , Ardent – Little fire
Egil , Ardent – Little fire
Egon , Ardent – Little fire
Einion , Anvil
Elgin , Noble – White
Elgine , Noble – White
Elidor , Mythical monk
Eljin , Noble – White
Emrys , Immortal
Eoghann , Young
Eoin , Young
Evan , Young warrior – Well-born
Evans , Young warrior – Well-born
Evanston , Young warrior – Well-born
Ewan , Young
Ewen , Young
Ewyn , Young
Farrel , Courageous – Man of valor
Farrell , Courageous – Man of valor
Farrow , Courageous – Man of valor
Fearghus , Strong – Manly
Ferehar , Mythical son of Uisneeh
Ferghus , Strong – Manly
Fergie , Strong – Manly
Fergun , Strong – Manly
Fergus , Strong – Manly
Ferguson , Son of Fergus
Fergy , Strong – Manly
Ferrel , Rock – Iron
Ferrell , Rock – Iron
Ferris , Rock – Iron
Ferrys , Rock – Iron
Fiacra , Eagle
Fiacre , Eagle
Finbar , Blond
Finian , Handsome
Finnbar , Blond
Finnobarr , Blond
Fionn , White – Fair
Flin , Son of the red-haired man
Flinn , Son of the red-haired man
Floyd , Gray
Flyn , Son of the red-haired man
Flynn , Son of the red-haired man
Fynbar , Blond
Gahan , Eager aide
Gall , Stranger
Gallagar , Eager aide
Gallagher , Eager aide
Galvin , Sparrow
Galvyn , Sparrow
Gawain , From Arthurian legend – Eldest son of Lot
Gildas , Serves God
Gilmore , Serves Mary
Gilroy , Serves the red haired lord
Glen , From the valley
Glenn , From the valley
Glifieu , Mythical son of Taran
Glyn , From the valley
Gorsedd , From Arbeth
Greg , Fierce
Gruddieu , Mythical son of Muriuel
Guy , Sensible
Gwawl , Mythical son of Clud
Gwen , Mythical son of Gwastad
Gwern , Mythical son of Matholwch
Gwernaeh , Mythical
Gwri , Blond
Gwynham , Mythical father of Teithi
Harvey , Eager to fight
Hefeydd , Mythical father of Rhiannon
Heilyn , Mythical son of Gwyn
Henbeddestr , Fastest man
Henwas , Mythical brother of Henbeddestr
Herne , Mythical hunter God
Huarwar , Mythical son of Halwn
Hueil , Mythical son of Caw
Iden , Wealthy
Inness , From the island
Innis , From the island
Irven , White
Irvin , White
Irving , White
Irvyn , White
Jodoc , Joy
Kane , Intelligent
Karney , Fighter
Kayey , Slender
Kayne , Intelligent
Keaghan , Son of Egan
Keane , Tall – Handsome
Kear , Father’s dark child
Kearney , Warrior
Keary , Father’s dark child
Keegan , Son of Egan
Keene , Tall – Handsome
Kegan , Son of Egan
Keir , Dark skinned
Keith , Wood – Wind – Wood-dweller
Kel , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Kelvan , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Kelven , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Kelvin , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Kelvyn , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Kelwin , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Kelwyn , Name of a river – From the narrow river
Ken , Ruler of the valley
Kendal , Ruler of the valley
Kendalia , Ruler of the valley
Kendaline , Ruler of the valley
Kendall , Ruler of the valley
Kendel , Ruler of the valley
Kendell , Ruler of the valley
Kendhal , Ruler of the valley
Kendra , Ruler of the valley
Kendreague , Loving male
Kenna , Ruler of the valley
Kenneth , Handsome
Kenni , Ruler of the valley
Kenny , Ruler of the valley
Kent , Chief
Kentigem , Chief
Kermit , Free of envy
Kermode , Free of envy
Kerry , Dark
Kerwin , Dark skinned
Kerwyn , Dark skinned
Kevan , Gentle
Kevin , Gentle
Kevyn , Gentle
Kieran , Dark skinned
Kilian , Blind
Killian , Blind
Kindall , Ruler of the valley
Kindell , Ruler of the valley
Kirwin , Dark skinned
Kirwyn , Dark skinned
Kunsgnos , Wise
Kynthelig , Guide
Lairgnen , Of Connaught
Lee , Healer
Leigh , Healer
Leith , Meadow
Lesley , From the gray fortress
Leslie , From the gray fortress
Lincoln , From the settlement by the pool
Lir , A mythical king
Llewelyn , Ruler
Lloyd , Gray
Llyr , A mythical king
Lorne , Of Lorne
Luxovious , Mythical god of Luxeuil
Mabon , Mythical god of youth
Mac , Son of Flann
Maccus , Hammer
Mack , Son of Flann
Macklin , Son of Flann
Macklyn , Son of Flann
Maddock , Beneficent
Maddox , Beneficent
Mal , Chief – Leader
Malcolm , Servant of Saint Columba
Malvin , Chief – Leader
Malvyn , Chief – Leader
Mannix , Munk
Mariner , Lives by the sea
Marlen , Sea
Marlin , Sea
Marmaduke , Leader of the seas
Marv , Beautiful sea
Marvin , Beautiful sea
Marvyn , Beautiful sea
Marwin , Sea
Medredydd , Mythical son of Medredydd
Mel , Chief – Leader
Melville , Chief – Leader
Melvin , Chief – Leader
Melvyn , Chief – Leader
Menw , Mythical wizard
Merle , Sea
Merlin , Sea
Merlyn , Sea
Merv , Sea
Mervin , Beautiful sea
Mervyn , Beautiful sea
Merwin , Beautiful sea
Merwyn , Beautiful sea
Monro , Mouth of the Roe River
Monroe , Mouth of the Roe River
Moray , Sailor
Morfran , Mythical ugly demon
Morgan , Lives by the sea
Morven , Lives by the sea
Morvyn , Lives by the sea
Moryn , Lives by the sea
Mungo , Lovable
Munro , Mouth of the Roe River
Munroe , Mouth of the Roe River
Murdoc , Seaman
Murdoch , Seaman
Murdock , Seaman
Murray , Seaman
Murry , Seaman
Murtagh , Protector of the sea
Murvyn , Beautiful sea
Mynogan , Mythical father of Beli
Myrvyn , Beautiful sea
Myrwyn , Beautiful sea
Naois , Mythical warrior
Neal , Champion
Neale , Champion
Nealon , Champion
Nealson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Neese , Choice
Neil , Champion
Neill , Champion
Neilson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nell , Champion
Nellie , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nelly , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nels , Chief – Leader
Nelson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nemausus , Mythical god of Nimes
Newlin , From the new spring
Newlyn , From the new spring
Niall , Champion
Niallan , Champion
Niece , Choice
Nilson , Son of a champion – Son of Neil
Nisien , Mythical son of Euroswydd
Nolan , Noble
Noland , Noble
Nyle , Champion
O’Conner , Desire – Wise aid – Hound lover
O’Connor , Desire – Wise aid – Hound lover
Oran , White
Orin , White
Oscar , Jumping fighter
Osckar , Jumping fighter
Oskar , Jumping fighter
Osker , Jumping fighter
Owen , Young fighter
Owin , Young fighter
Owyn , Young fighter
Pert , From the thorn bush or thicket
Perth , From the thorn bush or thicket
Phelan , Wolf
Powell , Son of Howell
Pryderi , Care
Pwyll , Mythical lord of Annwn
Quin , Wise
Quinn , Wise
Reagan , Regal
Reaghan , Regal
Regan , Regal
Reghan , Regal
Ronan , An oath
Roy , Red haired
Sativola , Name of a saint
Sawyer , Cuts timber
SciIti , Legendary messenger of Arthur
Scully , Town crier
Sean , God’s grace
Setanta , Mythical son of Sualtam
Shaun , God’s grace
Shawn , God’s grace
Sheridan , Untamed
Sian , God’s grace
Sloan , Fighter
Sloane , Fighter
Sugn , Mythical son of Sugnedudd
Tadhg , Poet
Taliesin , Poet
Tanguy , Fighter
Teaghue , Poet
Teague , Poet
Tegan , Doe
Teithi , Mythical son of Gwynham
Teyrnon , Regal
Tiernan , Regal
Tiernay , Regal
Tierney , Regal
Torey , From the low hills
Tori , From the low hills
Torin , Chief – Leader
Torr , From the low hills
Torrance , From the low hills
Torrey , From the low hills
Torry , From the low hills
Tory , From the low hills
Trahern , Strong as iron
Trefor , Wise
Tremaine , From the town encircled by stone
Tremayne , From the town encircled by stone
Trevor , Wise
Tristan , Outcry
Tristen , Outcry
Tristian , Outcry
Tristin , Outcry
Turi , Bear
Turien , Privileged birth
Turio , Privileged birth
Tyrnan , Regal
Urien , Privileged birth
Varden , From the green hill
Vardon , From the green hill
Varney , From the alder grove
Vaughan , Little – Small
Vaughn , Little – Small
Wayne , Dark – From the dunes
Weylin , Son of the wolf
Weylyn , Son of the wolf
Wynne , Fair
Yorick , Yew tree
York , Yew tree
Yspaddaden , Mythical father of Olwyn