Native American Boy Names

Here is a list of Native American boy names along with their meanings.
[table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]Name,Meaning
Adriel , Beaver – Symbol of skill
Akando , Ambush
Ali , Little
Anoki , Actor
Bemossed , Walker
Bidziil , He is strong (Navajo)
Bilagaana , White person (Navajo)
Bimisi , Slippery
Bodaway , Fire maker
Cha’akmongwi , Crier chief (Hopi)
Chankoowashtay , Good road (Sioux)
Chansomps , Locust (Algonquin)
Chas chunk a , Wave (Winnebago)
Cha’tima , The caller (Hopi)
Chavatangakwunua , Short rainbow (Hopi)
Chayton , Falcon (Sioux)
Cherokee , People of a different speech – One of the largest American Indian tribes
Chesmu , Witty
Cheveyo , Spirit warrior (Hopi)
Chochmo , Mud mound (Hopi)
Chochokpi , Throne for the clouds (Hopi)
Chochuschuvio , White tailed deer (Hopi)
Chogan , Blackbird (Algonquin)
Choovio , Antelope (Hopi)
Choviohoya , Young deer (Hopi)
Chowilawu , Joined together by water (Hopi)
Chu’a , Snake (Hopi)
Chuchip , Deer spirit (Hopi)
Chunta , Cheating (Hopi)
Ciqala , Little one (Dakota)
Cochise , Renowned warrior chief of the Chiricahua Apache
Dakota , Friend – Ally – Tribal name
Dakotah , Friend – Ally – Tribal name
Delsin , He is so
Demothi , Talks while walking
Dichali , Speaks a lot
Dohosan , Bluff
Dyami , Eagle
Elan , Friendly
Elsu , Flying falcon
Elu , Full of grace
Eluwilussit , Holy one (Algonquin)
Enapay , Brave (Sioux)
Enkoodabaoo , One who lives alone (Algonquin)
Enkoodabooaoo , One who lives alone (Algonquin)
Enyeto , Walks as a bear
Etchemin , Canoe man (Algonquin)
Etlelooaat , Shouts (Algonquin)
Etu , Sun
Ezhno , Solitary
Gaagii , Raven (Navajo)
Gad , Juniper tree (Navajo)
Gosheven , Leaper
Guyapi , Frank
Hahkethomemah , Little robe (Cheyenne)
Hahnee , Beggar
Hakan , Fire
Halian , Of Julius (Zuni)
Hania , Spirit warrior (Hopi)
Harkahome , Little robe (Cheyenne)
Hassun , Stone (Algonquin)
Hastiin , Man (Navajo)
Hawiovi , Going down the ladder (Hopi)
He lush ka , Fighter (Winnebago)
Heammawihio , Wise one above (Cheyenne)
Hekli , Touch (Miwok)
Helaku , Sunny day
Heskovizenako , Porcupine bear (Cheyenne)
Hesutu , Yellow jacket’s nest rising out of the ground (Miwok)
Hevataneo , Hairyrope (Cheyenne)
Hevovitastamiutsto , Whirlwind (Cheyenne)
Hiamovi , High chief (Cheyenne)
Hinto , Blue (Dakota)
Hohnihohkaiyohos , High backed wolf (Cheyenne)
Hok’ee , Abandoned (Navajo)
Honani , Badger (Hopi)
Honaw , Bear (Hopi)
Honiahaka , Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Honon , Bear (Miwok)
Honovi , Strong
Hotah , White (Sioux)
Hototo , Warrior spirit who sings (Hopi)
Hotuaekhaashtait , Tall bull (Cheyenne)
Howahkan , Of the mysterious voice (Sioux)
Howi , Turtle dove (Miwok)
Huritt , Handsome (Algonquin)
Igasho , Wanders
Illanipi , Amazing
Inteus , Has no shame
Istaqa , Coyote man (Hopi)
Istu , Sugar
Iye , Smoke
Jacy , Moon
Jolon , Valley of the dead oaks
Kachada , White man (Hopi)
Kaga , Chronicler
Kai , Willow tree
Kajika , Walks without sound
Kangee , Raven (Sioux)
Kele , Sparrow (Hopi)
Keme , Secret Pajackok – thunder (Algonquin)
Kesegowaase , Swift (Algonquin)
Kestejoo , Slave (Algonquin)
Kitchi , Brave (Algonquin)
Knoton , Wind
Kohana , Swift (Sioux)
Kohkahycumest , White crow – White antelope (Cheyenne)
Kolichiyaw , Skunk (Hopi)
Kosumi , Fishes for salmon with spear (Miwok)
Kotori , Screech owl spirit (Hopi)
Kuckunniwi , Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Kuruk , Bear (Pawnee)
Kwahu , Eagle (Hopi)
Kwatoko , Bird with big beak (Hopi)
Lakota , Friend
Langundo , Peaceful
Lansa , Lance (Hopi)
Lapu , Cedar bark (Hopi)
Len , Flute (Hopi)
Lenno , Man
Leyti , Shaped like an abalone shell (Miwok)
Lise , Salmon’s head rising above water (Miwok)
Liwanu , Growl of a bear (Miwok)
Lokni , Rain falls through the roof (Miwok)
Lonato , Flint
Lootah , Red (Sioux)
Machakw , Horny toad (Hopi)
Machk , Bear (Algonquin)
Mahkah , Earth (Sioux)
Mahpee , Sky (Sioux)
Makkapitew , He has large teeth (Algonquin)
Makya , Eagle hunter (Hopi)
Mantotohpa , Four bears (Cheyenne)
Masichuvio , Gray deer (Hopi)
Maska , Strong
Matchitehew , He has an evil heart (Algonquin)
Matchitisiw , He has bad character (Algonquin)
Matoskah , White bear (Sioux)
Matunaagd , Fights (Algonquin)
Matwau , Enemy (Algonquin)
Maza blaska , Flat iron (Dakota)
Megedagik , Kills many (Algonquin)
Mekledoodum , Conceited (Algonquin)
Meturato , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Milap , Charitable
Mingan , Gray wolf
Minninnewah , Whirlwind (Cheyenne)
Misu , Rippling brook (Miwok)
Mochni , Talking bird (Hopi)
Mojag , Never silent
Mokatavatah , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Moketavato , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Moketaveto , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Moketoveto , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Moki , Deer (Hopi)
Mokovaoto , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Molimo , Bear walking into shade (Miwok)
Mona , Gathers jimson weed seed (Miwok)
Mongwau , Owl (Hopi)
Motavato , Black kettle (Cheyenne)
Motega , New arrow
Muata , Yellow jackets inside a nest (Miwok)
Mukki , Child (Algonquin)
Muraco , White moon
Naalnish , He works (Navajo)
Naalyehe ya sidahi , Trader (Navajo)
Nahcomence , Oldbark antelope (Cheyenne)
Nahele , Forest
Nahiossi , Has three fingers (Cheyenne)
Nalren , Thawed out (Dene)
Nantan , Spokesman (Apache)
Napayshni , Strong – Courageous (Sioux)
Nastas , Curve like foxtail grass (Navajo)
Nawat , Left handed
Nawkaw , Wood (Winnebago)
Nayati , He who wrestles
Neeheeoeewootis , High backed wolf (Cheyenne)
Neka , Wild goose
Nigan , Ahead
Niichaad , Swollen (Navajo)
Nikiti , Round – Smooth
Nitis , Friend
Nixkamich , Grandfather (Algonquin)
Niyol , Wind (Navajo)
Nodin , Wind
Nootau , Fire (Algonquin)
Nosh , Father (Algonquin)
Noshi , Father (Algonquin)
Nukpana , Evil (Hopi)
Ocumwhowurst , Yellow wolf (Cheyenne)
Ocunnowhurst , Yellow wolf (Cheyenne)
Odakota , Friend (Sioux)
Ogaleesha , Wears a red shirt (Sioux)
Ohanko , Reckless
Ohanzee , Shadow (Sioux)
Ohcumgache , Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Ohitekah , Brave (Sioux)
Okhmhaka , Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Omawnakw , Cloud feather (Hopi)
Otaktay , Kills many (Sioux)
Otoahhastis , Tall bull (Cheyenne)
Otoahnacto , Bull bear (Cheyenne)
Ouray , Arrow
Pachu’a , Feathered water snake (Hopi)
Paco , Bald eagle
Pahana , Lost white brother (Hopi)
Pallaton , Warrior
Pannoowau , He lies (Algonquin)
Pat , Fish
Patamon , Tempest
Patwin , Man
Pay , He is coming
Payat , He is coming
Payatt , He is coming
Paytah , Fire (Sioux)
Pilan , Supreme essence
PiMne , Weasel (Hopi)
Powwaw , Priest (Algonquin)
Qaletaqa , Guardian of the people (Hopi)
Qochata , White man (Hopi)
Rowtag , Fire (Algonquin)
Sahale , Falcon
Sakima , King
Sani , The old one (Navajo)
Schamane , Holy man
Segenam , Lazy (Algonquin)
Sewati , Curved bear claw (Miwok)
Shaman , Holy man
Shilah , Brother (Navajo)
Shiriki , Coyote (Pawnee)
Shiye , Son (Navajo)
Shizhe’e , Father (Navajo)
Shoemowetochawcawe , High backed wolf (Cheyenne)
Sicheii , Grandfather (Navajo)
Sike , He sits at home (Navajo)
Sik’is , Friend (Navajo)
Sikyahonaw , Yellow bear (Hopi)
Sikyatavo , Yellow rabbit (Hopi)
Siwili , Tail of the fox
Skah , White (Sioux)
Songaa , Strong
Sowi’ngwa , Black – tailed deer (Hopi)
Sucki , Black (Algonquin)
Sunukkuhkau , He crushes (Algonquin)
Tadi , Wind (Omaha)
Tahkeome , Little robe (Cheyenne)
Tahmelapachme , Dull knife (Cheyenne)
Taima , Thunder
Takoda , Friend to everyone (Sioux)
Tangakwunu , Rainbow (Hopi)
Tasunke , Horse (Dakota)
Tatanka ptecila , Short bull (Dakota)
Tate , A great talker
Teetonka , Talks too much (Sioux)
Telutci , Bear making dust (Miwok)
Tihkoosue , Short (Algonquin)
T’iis , Cottonwood (Navajo)
Tocho , Mountain lion (Hopi)
Togquos , Twin (Algonquin)
Tohopka , Wild beast (Hopi)
Tokala , Fox (Dakota)
Tooantuh , Spring frog (Cherokee)
Ts~egan , Crane (Algonquin)
Tse , Rock (Navajo)
Tsiishch’ili , Curly haired (Navajo)
Tuketu , Bear making dust (Miwok)
Tupi , To pull up (Miwok)
Tyee , Chief
Uzumati , Bear (Miwok)
Vaive atoish , Alights on the cloud (Cheyenne)
Vaiveahtoish , Alights on the cloud (Cheyenne)
Viho , Chief (Cheyenne)
Vipponah , Slim face (Cheyenne)
Vohkinne , Roman nose (Cheyenne)
Voistitoevitz , White cow (Cheyenne)
Voisttitoevetz , White cow (Cheyenne)
Vokivocummast , White antelope (Cheyenne)
Wahanassatta , He who walks with his toes turned outward (Cheyenne)
Wahchinksapa , Wise (Sioux)
Wahchintonka , Has much Practice (Sioux)
Wahkan , Sacred (Sioux)
Wakiza , Desperate warrior
Wamblee , Eagle (Sioux)
Wambleesha , White eagle (Sioux)
Wambli waste , Good eagle (Dakota)
Wanageeska , White spirit (Sioux)
Wanahton , Charger (Sioux)
Wanikiy , Saviour (Sioux)
Wapi , Lucky
Waquini , Hook nose (Cheyenne)
Weayaya , Setting sun (Sioux)
Wematin , Brother (Algonquin)
Wemilat , Of wealthy parents
Wicasa , Sage (Dakota)
Wikvaya , One who brings (Hopi)
Wohehiv , Dull knife (Cheyenne)
Wokaihwokomas , White antelope (Cheyenne)
Wuyi , Soaring turkey vulture (Miwok)
Wynono , First born
Wyome , Plain
Yahto , Blue (Sioux)
Yakecan , Sky – Song (Dene)
Yancy , Yankee – Englishman
Yanisin , Ashamed (Navajo)
Yank , Yankee – Englishman
Yas , Snow (Navajo)
Yiska , The night has passed (Navajo)
Yuma , Chiefs son