Indian Boy Names

Here is a list of Indian boy names along with their meanings.
[table width=”500″ colwidth=”250|250″ colalign=”left|left”]Name,Meaning
Aalok , Light of divinity
Abhay , Son of Dharma – Fearless
Abhijat , Noble – Wise
Abhijit , One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
Abhinav , Quite new
Abhishek , Shower of milk – Water over an idol
Achintya , Beyond comprehension
Achyuta , Indestructible – A name of Vishnu
Aditya , Lord of the sun
Ajatashatru , A name of Vishnu – Without enemies
Ajay , Unconquerable – Invincible
Ajeet , Unconquerable
Ajit , Unconquerable
Ajitabh , One who has conquered the sky
Akaash , Sky
Akash , Sky
Akhilesh , Indestructible – Immortal – Lord of the universe
Akshat , Uninjurable
Akshay , Name of a God
Alok , Cry of victory
Amal , Bright – Clean – Pure
Amar , Forever – Immortal
Ambar , Sky
Ameya , Boundless – Limitless
Amish , Honest
Amit , Endless – Boundless
Amitabh , One with boundless splendour
Amitava , One with boundless splendour
Amitesh , Infinite God
Amogh , Unerring
Amol , Priceless – Valuable
Amrit , Nectar
Amulya , Priceless – Valuable
Anand , Bliss – Happiness
Ananda , Bliss – Happiness
Anant , Infinite
Anantram , Eternal god
Angada , Bracelet – Son of Lakshmana
Anil , God of wind
Anirudhh , Cooperative
Anirudhha , Cooperative
Anish , Supreme
Anjuman , A party place
Ankit , Conquered
Ankur , Sprout
Anniruddha , Son of Pradyummna
Anoop , Incomparable – The best
Anshu , Radiant
Anshul , Radiant
Anshuman , Sun
Anupam , Incomparable
Anurag , Attachment – Devotion – Love
Apoorva , Quite new
Arihant , One who has killed his enemies
Arjun , Peacock
Arnav , Ocean – Sea
Arun , Sun
Arvind , Lotus
Aseem , Boundless – Limitless
Ashish , Blessings
Ashok , One without sorrow
Ashvin , A cavalier
Ashwatthama , Fiery tempered
Ashwin , Strong horse
Ashwini , One of the constallations
Asija , A great sage – Brother of Brihaspati
Asim , Boundless – Limitless
Asuman , Lord of vital breaths
Asvathama , Sun of Drona
Asvin , Gods of medicine (Nasatya and Dasra)
Atharvan , Knower of the Arthara vedas
Atmajyoti , Light of Atma
Atman , The self
Atul , Matchless
Atulya , Unweighable – Incomparable
Avanindra , King of the earth
Avanish , God of the earth
Avinash , Indestructible
Ayush , Person who has a long life
Badrinath , Lord of Mt.Badri
Badriprasad , Goft of Badri
Balaaditya , Young sun
Balachandra , Young moon
Balaji , A name of Vishnu
Balakrishna , Young krishna
Balamani , Young jewel
Balamohan , One who is attractive
Balavan , Powerful
Baldev , Godlike in power
Bali , Mighty warrior
Balik , Mighty warrior
Balin , Mighty warrior
Balram , Krishna’s brother
Bansi , Flute
Bhadrak , Handsome
Bhadraksh , One with beautiful eyes
Bhagirath , One who brought Ganga on earth
Bhanu , Sun
Bhanuprasad , Gift of sun
Bharadwaj , Little bird
Bharat , Universal monarch
Bhaskar , Sun
Bhavesh , Lord of the world
Bhim , Fearful
Bhrigu , A Prajapati
Bhudev , Lord of the earth
Bhupen , King
Bhupendra , King of kings
Bhushan , Ornament
Bhuvan , Palace – One of the three worlds
Bhuvanesh , Lord of the worlds
Bindusar , An excellent pearl
Bipin , Forest
Brijesh , God of the land of Brij
Brijmohan , Krishna
Buddhadev , Wise person
Chaitanya , Life – Knowledge
Chaman , Garden
Chandan , Sandal wood
Chander , Moon
Chandra , Moon
Chandrahas , Bow of Shiva
Chandrak , Peacock feather
Chandrashekhar , One who holds the moon in his hair knot (Shiva)
Chandresh , Lord of the moon
Chane , Name of a God
Chapal , Quick
Charan , Feet
Charanjit , One who has won over the lord (Charanjeet)
Charudutta , Born Beautiful
Chetan , Life
Chiarina , Long lived
Chidambar , One whose heart is as big as the sky
Chinmay , Full of knowledge
Chintamani , Philosopher’s stone
Chirag , Lamp
Chiranjeev , Long lived
Chitraksh , Beautiful eyes
Chittaprasad , Happiness
Chittaranjan , One who pleases the mind
Chittaswarup , The supreme spirit
Chudamani , Crest jewel
Ciaira , Long lived
Dahana , A Rudra
Dakshesh , Shiva
Darpak , Kamdev – God of love
Darshan , A God’s name
Daruka , Deodar tree
Dattatreya , A son of Atri – A god
Dayanand , One who likes being merciful
Debashish , Pleased by Gods
Deepak , Lamp – Kindle
Deepankar , One who lights lamps
Deependra , Lord of light
Deleep , A king – Ancestor of Rama
Devadutt , Gift of God
Devanand , Joy of God
Devang , Part of God
Devarsi , Sage of the Devas
Devdas , Servant of God
Devendra , King of gods
Devesh , God of Gods
Devilal , Son of Godess
Deviprasad , Gift of Godess
Devraj , King of gods
Dhananjay , One who wins wealth
Dhanesh , Lord of wealth
Dharma , Law (religious)
Dharmadev , Lord of law
Dharmendra , King of religion
Dharmesh , Master of religion
Dharuna , A rishi
Dhaval , Fair complexioned
Dhiren , Strong
Dhirendra , Lord of the brave
Dhruv , Pole star
Digamber , Nacked
Dilip , A king – Ancestor of Rama
Dinesh , Sun – God of the day
Dinkar , Sun
Divakar , Sun
Divyendu , Bright moon
Divyesh , Sun
Duranjaya , A heroic son
Durga , Unreachable
Durjaya , Difficult to conquer
Ekachakra , Son of Kashyapa
Ekalinga , Shiva
Ekanga , Bogyguard
Eknath , Poet – Saint
Falgun , Month in the Hindu calendar
Gagan , Sky – Heaven
Gaganvihari , One who stays in heaven
Gajanan , One with elephant face
Gajendra , Elephant king
Ganaraj , Lord of the clan
Ganesh , A Hindu God
Gangadhar , Shiva
Gangadutt , Gift of Ganga
Gaurang , Fair complexioned
Gaurav , Honour – Pride – Respect
Geet , Song
Giridhar , One who holds mountain (Krishna)
Girilal , Son of mountain
Giriraj , Lord of mountain
Girish , God of mountain
Gopal , Lord Krishna
Gopan , Protection
Govind , Cowherd
Gulab , Rose
Gunaratna , Jewel of virtue
Gurbachan , Promise of the guru
Gurcharan , Feet of the guru
Gurdayal , Compassionate guru
Gurdeep , Lamp of the guru
Gurmeet , Friend of the guru
Gurnam , Name of the guru
Gursharan , Refuge at the guru
Guru , Teacher – Master – Priest
Gurudas , Servant of the guru
Gurudutt , Gift of the guru
Haresh , Shiva
Hari , Sun – Vishnu
Harihar , Vishu and Shiva together
Harilal , Son of Hari
Harish , Vishnu
Harsh , Joy
Harsha , Joy
Harshad , One who gives pleasure
Harshal , Lover
Harshul , Deer
Harshvardhan , Bringer of joy
Hastin , Elephant
Hemachandra , Golden moon
Hemadri , Mountain of gold
Hemang , One with shining body
Hemant , One of the six seasons
Hemaraj , Lord of gold
Hemendra , Lord of gold
Heramba , Boastful – Name of Ganapati
Hiranya , Wealth
Hiresh , King of gems
Hridayesh , King of heart
Hridaynath , Beloved – Dear
Hrishikesh , One who controls senses
Ibhanan , Elephant faced
Ikshu , Sugarcane
Ilesh , Lord of earth
Indeever , Blue lotus
Indra , God of rain and thunder
Indradutt , Gift of Indra
Indrajit , Conqueror of Indra
Indraneel , Emerald – A bright green gem
Inesh , King of kings
Iravan , Son of Arjuna/Uloopi
Isha , Protector
Ishan , Sun
Ishwar , Powerful – The supreme god
Jafar , Little stream
Jagadeep , Light of the world
Jagadhidh , Lord of the world
Jagajeet , Conqueror of the world
Jagajeevan , Life of the world
Jagannath , Lord of the world
Jagmohan , One who attracts the world
Jaidev , God of victory
Janak , Father of Sita – Creator
Janardan , One who helps people
Jasraj , King of fame
Jasveer , Hero of fame
Jaswant , Victorious
Jawahar , Jewel
Jayadeep , Light of victory
Jayaditya , Victorious sun
Jayant , Victorious
Jayashekhar , Crest of victory
Jaysukh , Pleasure of victory
Jeevan , Life
Jimuta , One of 108 names of the Sun God
Jinendra , Lord of life
Jishnu , Triumphant
Jitendra , Lord of conquerors
Jivana , One of 108 names of the Sun God
Jivin , To give life
Jnyandeep , Light of knowledge
Jnyaneshwar , God of wisdom – Note: This Database is Copyright by NetStep Enterprise 2004.
Kailash , Name of a Himalayan peak – Abode of Shiva
Kalidas , The poet – Dramatist – Slave of Godess Kali
Kalkin , Tenth incarnation of God Vishnu
Kamadev , God of love
Kamal , Lotus flower – Name of a God
Kamlesh , God of lotus
Kanak , Gold
Kanha , Krishna
Kapil , Name of a rishi
Kartik , Name of one of the months
Kartikeya , God of war
Kaushal , Clever – Skilled
Kaushik , Sentiment of love
Kavi , A wise man – Poet
Kedar , Mountain lord – Powerful
Kers , Name of a plant
Keshav , Krishna’s name
Kintan , Wearing a crown
Kirit , Crown – Tiara
Kripa , Has a twin sister
Kusagra , A king
Kush , Son of Rama
Lakshman , Prosperous – Brother of Rama
Lakshya , Target
Lalit , Beautiful – Attractive
Lalitaditya , Beautiful sun
Lalitchandra , Beautiful moon
Lalitmohan , Beautiful – Attractive
Lokesh , King of world
Loknath , Lord of all worlds
Lokprakash , Light of the world
Madan , Cupid – God of love
Madhav , Sweet like honey
Madhukar , Honey bee – Lover
Madhusudhana , Krishna – One who killed demon Madhu
Mahabala , Remarkable strength
Mahadev , Most powerful god
Mahavir , Most courageous among men
Mahavira , Son of Priyavrata
Maheepati , The king
Mahendra , Indra
Mahesh , Shiva
Maitreya , Friend
Makarand , Honey bee
Manavendra , King among men
Mandar , Flower
Mandhatri , Prince
Manendra , King of mind
Manindra , Diamond
Maniram , Jewel of a person
Manish , God of mind
Manishankar , Shiva
Manohar , One who wins over mind
Manoj , Born of mind
Manoranjan , One who pleases the mind
Manprasad , Mentally calm and cool person
Mansukh , Pleasure of mind
Manu , Founder – Father of human beings
Mareechi , Ray of light
Markandeya , A sage
Martand , Sun
Matanga , Sage – Advisor to Devi Lalita
Matsendra , King of the fishes
Mayank , Moon
Mayon , The black God
Mayur , Peacock
Meghdutt , Gift of clouds
Meghnad , Thunder
Mehul , Rain
Mihir , Sun
Milind , Honey bee
Mitali , Friend
Mitesh , One with few desires
Mithil , Kingdom
Mithun , Couple
Mitul , Limited
Mohan , Charming – Fascinating
Mohin , Attractive
Mohit , Ensnarled by beauty
Monish , Lord of mind
Mukesh , Lord of the dumb
Mukta , A pearl in Telugu
Mukul , Bud
Mukunda , Freedom giver – Note: This Database is Copyright by NetStep Enterprise 2004.
Nachik , Fire
Nachiketa , Fire
Nalin , Lotus – Water
Namdev , Poet – Saint
Nanda , Meritorious – Great achiever
Nandakishor , Wiz kid
Nandan , Pleasing – Son
Nandi , One who pleases
Nandin , The delightful – Follower of Shiva
Narayana , Vishnu – Refuge of man
Narendra , King of men
Naresh , Lord of man
Narhari , Man-lion
Narmad , Bringing delight
Narottam , Best among men
Narsi , Poet – Saint
Narsimha , Lion among men
Nartan , Dance
Nartana , Makes others dance
Natraj , King among actors
Naveen , New
Navin , New
Navnit , Fresh butter
Nayan , Eye
Neel , Blue
Neelam , Emerald – A bright green gem
Neelkanth , Peacock – Shiva
Neeraj , Lotus
Nidhish , Lord of treasure
Nihar , Mist – Fog – Dew
Nikhil , Complete – Whole
Nikunj , A bower
Nilay , Heaven
Nilesh , Krishna – Blue God
Nimai , Name of Lord Krishna
Nimay , Name of Lord Krishna
Ninad , Sound – Gentle sound of water
Nirad , Given by water
Niraj , Lotus
Niramitra , Son of pandava Sahadeva
Niranjan , Simple
Nirav , Without sound
Nirmal , Clean – Pure
Nishad , Seventh note on Indian musical scale
Nishit , Midnight
Niteesh , God of law – One well versed in law
Nityanand , Perennially happy
Nityasundar , Ever good-looking
Nitya-Sundara , Handsome
Nivrutti , Separation from world
Nripendra , King of kings
Ojas , Body strength
Omanand , Joy of Om
Omprakash , Light of Om
Oojam , Enthusiasm
Oorjit , Powerful
Padmanabh , One with lotus in his navel i.e. Vishnu
Pallav , Young shoots and leaves
Pandita , Scholar
Panduranga , One with pale white complexion
Pankaj , Lotus flower
Parag , Pollen grains
Paramartha , Highest truth
Paramjeet , Highest success
Paras , Touch stone
Parees , Touch stone
Paresh , Supreme spirit
Pariket , Against desire
Parindra , Lion
Paritosh , Contentment
Parth , A name given to Arjun by Lord Krishna
Partha , A name given to Arjun by Lord Krishna
Pavan , Wind
Phalgun , Month in the Hindu calendar
Pinak , Shiva’s bow
Piyush , Milk
Prabhakar , Sun
Prabhat , Dawn
Prabir , Hero – Brave one (Praveer)
Prabodh , Sound advice
Prabodhan , Knowledge
Pradeep , Light – Glow – Shine
Pradnesh , Lord of wisdom
Prafulla , Pleasant – Cheerful
Prahlad , Eternal joy
Prajeet , Victorious
Prakash , Light
Pramath , Horse
Pramesh , Master of accurate knowledge
Pramit , Consciousness
Pramod , Happiness
Pramsu , A scholar
Pranav , The sacred syllable Om
Pranay , Romance
Pranet , Leader
Prasad , Offering to God during pooja
Prasanna , Cheerful – Pleased
Prasata , Father of Draupad
Prashant , Calm – Composed
Prasoon , Flower
Prassana , Cheerful
Pratap , Dignity – Majesty
Prateek , Symbol – First word in a sentence
Pratik , Symbol
Pratosh , Extreme delight
Pravar , Chief
Praveen , Expert
Prayag , Confluence of Ganga-Jamuna-Saraswati
Preetish , God of love
Prem , Love
Premal , Full of love
Premanand , Joy of love
Pritam , Lover
Prithu , Broad – Spacious
Prithvijaj , King of the earth
Privrata , Son of Satarupa
Priyaranjan , Beloved
Pundarik , White lotus
Puneet , Pure
Purujit , Conqueror of city
Purumitra , Friend of city
Purushottam , Best among men
Pusan , A sage
Puskara , Blue lotus – Fountain
Raivata , A man
Raj , King
Rajan , King
Rajani , Night
Rajanikant , Lord of the night – Sun
Rajeev , Blue lotus
Rajendra , God
Rajesh , God of kings
Rajiv , Striped
Rajkumar , Prince
Rakesh , Lord of the night – Sun
Ram , Lord Rama – Pleasing – Charming
Raman , Beloved – Pleasing
Ramanuja , Born after Rama i.e. Lakshman
Ramesh , Ruler of Rama
Ranjan , Pleasing
Ranjeet , Victor in wars
Rantidev , Devotee of Narayana
Ratnakar , Mine of jewels – Sea
Ratri , Night
Ravi , Benevolent – Sun – Sun God
Ravikiran , Sun ray
Ravindra , Sun
Reja , King
Rishab , The musical note Re
Rishabh , Morality
Rishi , Sage – Ray of light
Rochan , Red lotus – Bright
Rohit , Red
Rujul , Simple – Honest
Rupak , Sign – Feature
Rupesh , Lord of beauty
Rupin , Embodied beauty
Rutajit , Conqueror of truth
Rutujit , Conqueror of seasons
Sachchit , Truth – Consciousness
Sachetan , Rational
Sadanand , Ever joyous
Sagar , Sea – Ocean
Sahadev , Prince
Sahen , Falcon
Sahib , Sir
Samarjit , Victorious in war
Samir , Wind
Samrat , Emperor
Samudra , Sea – Ocean
Sandeep , A lighted lamp
Sanjog , Coincidence
Sankara , Shiva
Santosh , Happiness
Sapan , Dream (Swapna)
Sarang , Spotted deer
Sarasvat , Learned
Sarngin , Name of God Vishnu
Sarojin , Lotus-like
Satayu , Brother of Amavasu and Vivasu
Satish , Ruler of hundreds
Satruijt , A son of Vatsa
Satyajit , Victory of truth
Satyamurty , Statue of truth
Satyavrat , One who has taken vow of truth
Satyendra , Lord of truth (Satyen)
Saunak , Boy sage
Saurabh , Fragrance
Saurav , Divine – Celestial
Senajit , Victory over army
Shailendra , King of mountains – Himalaya
Shailesh , God of mountain – Himalaya
Shakunt , Bluejay
Shalin , Modest
Shankar , Shiva
Sharad , Name of a season
Shardul , Tiger
Shashank , Moon
Shashee , Moon
Shashi , The moon – Moonbeam
Shashikant , Moon stone
Shashwat , Ever lasting – Continuous
Shatrunjay , One who overcomes enemies
Sheil , Mountain
Shishir , Name of a season – Cold
Shiv , Lord Shiva – Auspicious – Lucky
Shreyas , Superior
Shulabh , Easy
Shvetang , Fair complexioned
Shvetank , Having a white mark
Shyam , Dark blue – Black
Shyamal , Dark blue – Black
Siddharth , White mustard
Singh , Lion
Snehal , Freindly
Sohan , Good looking
Srikant , Lover of wealth
Srinivas , Abode of wealth
Sriram , Lord Rama
Subhash , Soft spoken
Subodh , Sound advice – Easily understood
Suchir , Eternal
Sudama , Meek
Sudarshan , Good looking
Sudesha , Good country
Sudeva , Good Deva
Sudhakar , Mine of nectar
Sudhanssu , Moon
Sudhir , Resolute – Brave
Sudhish , Lord of excellent intellect
Sugriva , One with graceful neck
Sujit , Victory
Sukarman , Reciter of 1000 Samhitas
Sukhdev , God of happiness
Sukumar , Handsome
Sulalit , Graceful
Sumadhur , Very sweet
Sumantu , Atharva Veda was assigned to him
Sumit , Well measured
Sundar , Beautiful – Attractive
Sunil , Dark blue
Suresh , Sun
Surya , Sun
Suryakant , Loved by the sun
Suvrata , Strict in religious vows (Subrata)
Swagat , Welcome
Swapnil , Seen in a dream – Dreamy
Swaraj , Liberty – Freedom – Note: This Database is Copyright by NetStep Enterprise 2004.
Taksa , A son of Bharata
Tanmay , Engrossed
Tapan , Sun – Summer
Tapas , Heat – Penance
Tarak , Star – Pupil of eye – Protector
Taran , Raft – Heaven
Tarang , Wave
Tarun , Youth
Teerth , Holy place – Sacred water
Tej , Light – Lustrous
Tejas , Sharpness
Thaman , Name of a God
Tilak , Spot of vermillion or sandal wood paste on forehead
Timin , Large fish
Trilochan , One with three eyes – Shiva
Trilok , The three worlds (heaven – earth – hell)
Tulasidas , Servant of Tulasi – Basil plant
Tungar , High – Lofty
Tungesh , Moon
Tushar , Fine drops of water
Uday , To rise
Udeep , Flood
Udit , Grown – Awakened – Shining
Ujesh , One who gives light
Ulhas , Joy
Umang , Enthusiasm
Unmesh , Flash – Blowing – Opening
Upendra , An element
Urjavaha , Of the Nimi dynasty
Utkarsh , Prosperity – Awakening
Utpal , Water lily – Fleshless
Uttam , Best
Vachaspati , Lord of speech
Vaibhav , Richness
Vairaja , Son of Virat
Vajramani , Diamond
Vallabh , Beloved – Dear
Vandan , Salutation
Vaninadh , Husband of Saraswati (The Goddess of knowledge)
Vaninath , Husband of Saraswati (The Goddess of knowledge)
Variya , Excellent one
Varun , Lord of the waters – Neptune
Vasant , Vasan Spring (season)
Vasava , Indra
Vasu , Wealth
Vasudev , Krishna’s father – God of wealth
Vasuman , Born of fire
Ved , Sacred knowledge
Veda , Eternal knowledge
Vedanga , Vedas
Vedis , Eternal knowledge
Veer , Brave
Vidur , Wise
Vidvan , Scholar
Vidyacharan , Learned
Vidyadhar , Demi God
Vidyaranya , Forest of knowledge
Vijay , Victory
Vikas , Development – Expanding
Vikram , The sun of valour
Vikramendra , King of prowess
Vikrant , Powerful
Vimal , Pure
Vinay , Good manners
Vinod , Happy – Full of joy
Vipan , Sail – Petty trade
Viplav , Drifting about – Revolution
Vipul , Plenty
Viraj , Resplendent – Splendour
Virat , Very big – Giant proportioned
Virochan , Moon – Fire
Vishal , Huge – Broad – Great
Vishnu , Lord Vishnu – Root – To pervade
Vishva , Earth – Universe
Vishvajit , One who conquers the universe
Vishvakarma , Architect of the universe
Vishvatma , Universal soul
Vishwamitra , Friend of the universe
Vishwas , Faith – Trust
Visvajit , One who conquers the universe
Visvakarman , Architect – Son of Yogasiddha
Visvayu , Brother of Amavasuand Satayu
Viswanath , God of universe
Vivatma , Universal soul
Vivek , Judgement
Vyomesh , Lord of the sky
Waman , Short
Yash , Victory – Glory
Yashodhan , Rich in fame
Yashodhara , One who has achieved fame
Yashpal , Protector of fame
Yashwant , One who has achieved glory
Yatin , Ascetic
Yogendra , God of Yoga
Yogesh , God of Yoga
Yudhajit , Victor in war
Yudhisthir , Firm in battle
Yuvaraj , Prince – Beacon on the hill
Yuyutsu , Eager to fight
Zev , Deer