Anglo-Saxon Boy Names

Here is a list of Anglo-Saxon boy names along with their meanings.
Name | Meaning |
Aiken | Sturdy – Oaken |
Alston | From the old manor |
Alton | From the old manor |
Amon | Wealthy guardian |
Ansen | Son of a nobleman – Son of Ann or Hans |
Anson | Son of a nobleman – Son of Ann or Hans |
Ansonia | Son of a nobleman – Son of Ann or Hans |
Arch | Bold prince |
Archibald | Bold prince |
Archie | Bold prince |
Archy | Bold prince |
Arkady | Bold prince |
Arky | Bold prince |
Ave | Ruler of the elves |
Averi | Ruler of the elves |
Avery | Ruler of the elves |
Aves | Ruler of the elves |
Baecere | Baker |
Baldlice | Brave |
Bana | Slayer |
Banan | Slayer |
Banning | One who reads the banns |
Bar | Boar |
Barclay | From the birch meadow |
Bardon | Barley valley |
Bawdewyn | Brave friend |
Bawdewyne | Brave friend |
Bayen | From Ban |
Beadurinc | Warrior |
Beadwof | Brave in war |
Bealohydig | Enemy |
Bearn | Son |
Bebeodan | Commands |
Bede | Name of a historian |
Bellinus | Name of a king |
Benoic | From Ban |
Benwick | From Ban |
Beorn | Warrior |
Beornwulf | Name of a king |
Beowulf | Intelligent wolf |
Berkeley | From the birch meadow |
Berkley | From the birch meadow |
Bestandan | Stands beside |
Besyrwan | Ensnares |
Betlic | Splendid |
Birdoswald | From Birdoswald |
Bliss | Happy |
Boden | Messenger |
Boniface | Name of a saint |
Bordan | From the boar valley |
Borden | Near the boar's den |
Bowden | Messenger |
Bowdyn | Messenger |
Boyden | Messenger |
Braxton | Brock's town |
Brecc | Name of a king |
Brice | Son of a nobleman |
Broga | Terror |
Brogan | Terror |
Bron | Brown – Dark |
Bronson | Son of the dark man |
Brun | Brown – Dark |
Bryce | Son of a nobleman |
Byram | Bear |
Byran | Bear |
Byron | Bear |
Cadman | Warrior |
Cadwallon | Name of a king |
Caedmon | Poet |
Caedwalla | Name of a king |
Caflice | Brave |
Camden | From the winding valley |
Camdene | From the winding valley |
Ceawlin | Name of a king |
Cedd | Name of a bishop |
Cenwalh | Name of a king |
Ceolfrith | Name of an abbot |
Ceolwulf | Name of a king |
Cerdic | Name of a king |
Chad | Name of a saint |
Chapman | Merchant |
Cnut | Name of a king |
Colby | Coal town |
Corey | Chosen |
Courtland | Lives in the King's court |
Courtnay | Dweller by the dark stream |
Courtney | From the court |
Daegal | Dweller by the dark stream |
Dailey | Assembly – From the valley |
Daily | Assembly – From the valley |
Daley | Assembly – From the valley |
Dalston | From Dougal's place |
Deman | Judge |
Denby | From the Danish settlement |
Denisc | Danish |
Deogol | Secret |
Derian | Harm |
Desmond | Happy defender |
Devon | From Devon |
Devyn | From Devon |
Dolf | Wolf – Protector |
Dolph | Wolf – Protector |
Dougal | Dweller by the dark stream |
Douglas | Dweller by the dark stream |
Drefan | Trouble |
Dreng | Warrior |
Dreogan | Suffers |
Drew | Wise |
Druce | Son of Drew |
Durwin | Dear friend |
Durwyn | Dear friend |
Eadbert | Name of a king |
Eadgard | Lucky spearman |
Eadig | Blessed |
Eadlyn | Wealthy friend |
Eadward | Guardian |
Eadwyn | Valued |
Ealdian | Long lived |
Eamon | Wealthy defender |
Earh | Coward |
Earl | Chief |
Earle | Chief |
Earm | Wretched |
Ecgfrith | Name of a king |
Eddison | Ed's son |
Edgar | Lucky spearman |
Edgard | Lucky spearman |
Edlin | Wealthy friend |
Edlyn | Wealthy friend |
Edmond | Wealthy defender |
Edmund | Wealthy defender |
Edred | Name of a king |
Edric | Wealthy ruler |
Edsel | From Ed's hall |
Edson | Ed's son |
Edward | Guardian |
Edwin | Valued |
Edwy | Name of a king |
Edwyn | Valued |
Egbert | Name of a king |
Egesa | Terror |
Egeslic | Terror |
Eldred | Wise advisor |
Eldrid | Wise advisor |
Eldwin | Wise advisor |
Eldwyn | Wise advisor |
Ellen | Courage |
Elmer | Noble |
Elne | Courage |
Elvis | Wise friend |
Eorl | Chief |
Ereonberht | Name of a king |
Erian | Ploughs |
Ethelbald | Name of a king |
Ethelbert | Name of a king |
Ethelred | Name of a king |
Ethelwulf | Name of a king |
Fairfax | Blond |
Faran | Advances |
Farmon | Traveler |
Felix | Name of a saint |
Feran | Advances |
Finan | Name of a bishop |
Firman | Traveler |
Fleming | From Flanders |
Fraomar | Name of a king |
Freeman | Free man |
Fugol | Bird |
Fyren | Wicked |
Gaderian | Gathers |
Galan | Sings |
Gar | Spear |
Garberend | Spear bearer |
Gareth | Strong spear |
Garett | Powerful with the spear |
Garr | Spear |
Garrett | Strong spear |
Geoff | Peaceful gift |
Geoffrey | Peaceful gift |
Geraint | Name of a king |
Gifre | Greedy |
Gildas | Name of a historian |
Gimm | Gem |
Godric | Rules with God |
Godwine | Friend of God |
Gordie | From the cornered hill |
Gordon | From the cornered hill |
Gordy | From the cornered hill |
Govannon | God of the forge |
Graeme | Warring |
Graham | Warring |
Grahem | Warring |
Gram | Warring |
Gremian | Enrages |
Grendel | Legend name |
Grimbold | Fierce bold |
Grimm | Fierce |
Grimme | Fierce |
Grindan | Sharp |
Halig | Holy |
Halwende | Lonely |
Ham | Home |
Hansen | Son of a nobleman – Son of Ann or Hans |
Hanson | Son of a nobleman – Son of Ann or Hans |
Hengist | Son of Wodan |
Heolstor | Darkness |
Heorot | Deer |
Hererinc | Hero |
Heretoga | Commander |
Hilderinc | Warrior |
Hlaford | Master |
Hlisa | Fame |
Holt | Wood |
Hrothgar | Legend name |
Hrypa | The shouter |
Ida | Name of a king |
Iden | Wealthy |
Ine | Name of a king |
Irenbend | Iron bend |
Irv | Lover of the sea |
Irvin | Lover of the sea |
Irvine | Lover of the sea |
Irwin | Sea lover |
Irwyn | Sea lover |
Isen | Iron |
Iuwine | Friend |
Jeffrey | Peaceful gift |
Kendrick | Fearless leader |
Kendryek | Fearless leader |
Kenric | Fearless leader |
Kent | White |
Kenway | Brave in war |
Kim | Noble – Brave |
Kimball | Noble – Brave |
Landry | Ruler |
Lang | Long |
Lange | Long |
Lar | Teaches |
Larcwide | Counsel |
Leanian | Reward |
Leax | Salmon |
Leng | Long |
Leof | Beloved |
Lidmann | Sailor |
Lin | Dwells by the torrent |
Linn | Dwells by the torrent |
List | Cunning |
Lucan | Joins |
Lufian | Love |
Lunden | From London |
Lyn | Dwells by the torrent |
Lynn | Dwells by the torrent |
Magan | Competent |
Mann | Vassal |
Manton | From Mann's castle |
Maponus | God of youth and music |
Marlen | Falcon |
Marlin | Falcon |
Mars Leucetius | God worshipped at Bath |
Marv | Good friend |
Marvin | Good friend |
Marwin | Falcon |
Maxwell | From Maccus's pool |
Maynard | Remarkable strength |
Meccus | Son of Gus |
Mel | Hillside – Town by the mill |
Melville | Hillside – Town by the mill |
Merle | Falcon |
Merlin | Falcon |
Merlyn | Falcon |
Merton | From the farm by the sea |
Merv | Falcon |
Mervin | Good friend |
Mervyn | Good friend |
Merwin | Good friend |
Merwyn | Good friend |
Modig | Brave |
Mort | City on the moor |
Morten | City on the moor |
Morton | City on the moor |
Morty | City on the moor |
Mortyn | City on the moor |
Murvyn | Good friend |
Myrvyn | Good friend |
Myrwyn | Good friend |
Nechten | Name of a king |
Nerian | Protects |
Newton | From the new estate |
Nodens | A British god |
Nodons | A British god |
Norton | From the north farm |
Norvel | From the north state |
Norville | From the north state |
Nyle | Desire |
Octe | A son of Hengist |
Octha | A son of Hengist |
Odel | Wealthy |
Odell | Wealthy |
Odi | Wealthy defender |
Odin | Wealthy defender |
Odon | Wealthy defender |
Ody | Wealthy defender |
Offa | Name of a king |
Ord | Spear |
Ordway | Warrior armed with a spear |
Orlege | Battle strife |
Ormod | Sad |
Orvin | Brave friend |
Orvyn | Brave friend |
Osric | Divine ruler |
Oswald | Name of a king |
Oswine | Name of a king |
Oswiu | Name of a king |
Oswy | Name of a king |
Oxa | Ox |
Page | Page |
Paige | Page |
Peada | Name of a prince |
Pearce | Rock |
Penda | Name of a king |
Pendragon | From the dragon's enclosed land |
Penrith | From Penrith |
Perry | Pear tree |
Pierce | Rock |
Piers | Rock |
Pleoh | Danger |
Prasutagus | Name of a king |
Putnam | Dwells by the pond |
Raedan | Advises |
Raedbora | Advises |
Raedwald | Name of a king |
Ramm | Ram |
Ran | Wolf – Protector |
Rand | Wolf – Protector |
Randal | Wolf – Protector |
Randall | Wolf – Protector |
Randell | Wolf – Protector |
Randie | Wolf – Protector |
Randl | Wolf – Protector |
Randle | Wolf – Protector |
Randolf | Wolf – Protector |
Randolph | Wolf – Protector |
Randy | Wolf – Protector |
Rankin | Wolf – Protector |
Ranulf | Wolf – Protector |
Recene | Quick |
Renweard | Guardian of the house |
Rheged | From Rheged |
Rice | Powerful |
Rinan | Rain |
Rinc | Warrior |
Ripley | From Hrypa's meadow |
Ro | Red haired |
Rodor | Sky |
Roe | Red haired |
Ross | From the peninsula |
Rossano | From the peninsula |
Roswald | From the peninsula |
Row | Red haired |
Rowe | Red haired |
Roweson | Rowe's son |
Rowson | Rowe's son |
Ruadson | Rowe's son |
Russell | Fox |
Ryce | Powerful |
Rypan | Plunders |
Sar | Pain |
Sarlic | Pain |
Scand | Disgrace |
Scead | Shade |
Sceadu | Shade |
Sceotend | Archer |
Scowyrhta | Shoemaker |
Scrydan | Clothes |
Scur | Storm |
Seamere | Tailor |
Seaton | From Sai's estate |
Seaver | Fierce stronghold |
Selwin | Friend at court |
Selwyn | Friend at court |
Sener | Fierce stronghold |
Sever | Fierce stronghold |
Seward | Guards the coast |
Sheldon | From the hill on the ledge |
Shelley | From the ledge meadow |
Shelny | From the ledge farm |
Shepard | Shepherd |
Shephard | Shepherd |
Sheply | From the sheep meadow |
Sherard | Of glorious valor |
Sherwin | Quick as the wind |
Sherwyn | Quick as the wind |
Sigenert | Name of a king |
Sihtric | Name of a king |
Sinley | Friendly |
Slean | Strikes |
Slecg | Hammer |
Snell | Nold |
Steadman | Dwells at the farm |
Stearc | Severe |
Stedman | Dwells at the farm |
Stefn | Stem |
Stepan | Exalts |
Stewart | Steward |
Stewert | Steward |
Stillman | Gentle |
Stilwell | From the tranquil stream |
Storm | Storm |
Strang | Strong |
Stuart | Steward |
Swift | Swift |
Swithun | Name of a saint |
Synn | Sin |
Tamar | From Tamar |
Tedman | Wealthy defender |
Tedmund | Wealthy defender |
Tellan | Considers |
Temman | Tame |
Teon | Harms |
Thane | Anglo-Saxon and Scottish feudal lords' title |
Theomund | Wealthy defender |
Tilian | Strives |
Tobrecan | Destroys |
Tobrytan | Crushes |
Tolan | From the taxed land |
Toland | From the taxed land |
Tolucan | Destroys |
Torht | Bright |
Torhte | Bright |
Torr | Tower |
Trace | Brave |
Tracey | Brave |
Tracy | Brave |
Tredan | Tramples |
Treddian | Leaves |
Trymian | Encourages |
Trymman | Strengthen |
Upton | From the high town |
Verge | Owns four acres of land |
Wacian | Watchful |
Wade | Moving |
Wallace | Stranger |
Wallis | Stranger |
Wann | Dark |
Ware | Wise |
Warian | Attendant |
Wellington | From the wealthy estate |
Werian | Defender – Guard |
Whitney | From the white island |
Wilbur | Dearly loved stronghold |
Wilfrid | Name of a saint |
Willsn | Wishes |
Winchell | Drawer of water |
Wine | Friend |
Winston | Battle stone |
Winter | Born in the winter |
Wirt | Worthy |
Wissian | Guide |
Woden | King of gods |
Worthington | From the river's side |
Wregan | Accuses |
Wright | Tradesman |
Wselfwulf | Wolf of slaughter |
Wulf | Wolf |
Wulfgar | Wolf spear |
Wulfhere | Name of a king |
Wurt | Worthy |
Wylie | Enchanting |
Wyman | Fighter |
Wynchell | Drawer of water |
Wyne | Friend |
Wystan | Battle stone |
Yrre | Anger |